
New York, August 11, 2003 ( – New York Billionaire George Soros has donated $10 millon to start Americans Coming Together (ACT). Thomas Hargrove reports in the Aug. 8 Scripps Howard News Service that the new organization’s purpose is to prevent George Bush’s re-election.  Hargrove reports that ACT “expects to raise at least $75 million and employ hundreds of election organizers by November 2004. 

One of Soros’s foundations, the Open Society Institute, has had a grant-making Program on Reproductive Health and Rights which it says is being phased out this year. The Internet section for this program provides, among other items, an unusually extensive list of links to national and international abortion advocacy organizations to which the Institute has made grants from 1997 to 2004. 

The grant guidelines state that the program funds strategies in support of “a values-based, progressive agenda for sexual and reproductive health and rights”.   It would seem, therefore, that Soros’s aggressive action against Bush would likely be influenced by the Republican president’s crippling of key international population control programs through the withdrawal of U.S. funding for abortion-supporting organizations.  Soros says the funding of ACT is supposedly being undertaken in defence of “the values of an open society” and especially in reaction to Bush’s actions in Iraq. The de-population supporting billionaire is quoted as stating “The fate of the world depends on the United States and President Bush is leading us in the wrong direction”. 

reports that ACT’s executive director is Ellen Malcolm, “who directed the Emily’s List organization to support pro-choice Democratic women candidates”.  This would seem to indicate the organization is especially focused on reversing Bush’s pro-life and pro-family policies.  See the News Service Report