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Bishop Joseph StricklandSt. Phillip Institute

(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of A Shepherd’s Voice, Bishop Joseph Strickland discusses the importance of not taking the Lord’s name in vain, Pope Francis’ recent efforts to denigrate the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), the importance of reverent liturgy, and more. Click here to read a transcript of this episode over at Bishop Strickland’s Substack page.

Strickland began the episode by examining the Second Commandment, “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.” The bishop emphasized how, in our modern world, the name of Our Lord is used in vain constantly in everyday conversation.

“His name is taken in vain in devastating ways: as jokes, in blasphemous curses, as simply expletives in confusion or frustration,” the bishop said.

His Excellency then underscored how easy it is to get into the habit of habitually using the Lord’s name in vain, but the faithful need to resolve to only say His name with the great respect it deserves.

“Let us resolve to truly embrace this great Second Commandment of respecting the name of God, and especially in our Christian world, respecting the name of His Son, Jesus Christ. God has a name for us in His Son, and we must speak it with reverence and awe every time it is spoken,” he said.

Later in the episode, Strickland defended the beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) as Pope Francis and other members of the Church hierarchy denigrate its celebration. The bishop highlighted that while it’s important to remember that Our Lord is present in the Novus Ordo Mass, the new Mass is built on the foundation of the TLM, and so its celebration should not be restricted.

“So I think we have to be very clear that attempts to eliminate or denigrate or push into the dust bed of history, the Traditional Latin Mass is not of the Church that Jesus Christ established. Let us call to correction any voice that attempts to do this with love and charity,” Strickland said.

His Excellency then looked at the Pope’s comments about the Latin Mass in his memoir Hope, in which the Pontiff accused the clergy and laity with devotion to the ancient liturgy of having a “mental imbalance.”   

“To characterize those who have the traditional Catholic faith and love the Latin Mass as somehow ‘mentally unstable’ is truly wrong and harmful,” the bishop said.  

“Facing Christ, focusing on the sacred altar of sacrifice that is the Mass, I’m learning more and more how essential this liturgy is. I have no intention of letting go of the Novus Ordo that I’ve grown up with, but I seek to make it more reverent and to continue to purify it in this foundational reality that is the Latin Mass,” he added.

To hear more from His Excellency, tune in to this week’s episode of A Shepherd’s Voice.

A Shepherd’s Voice is a Catholic podcast in which Bishop Joseph Strickland boldly proclaims the teachings of the Catholic faith with clarity and charity. Through the eyes of tradition, each episode will offer deep insights into the deposit of faith, spiritual guidance, and ancient wisdom to help listeners grow in faith and holiness. There will be no compromise, no ambiguity – just the voice of a shepherd leading the flock.

