March 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Joseph Strickland has yet again made the keen observation that social injustices stem from the fact that life in the womb is not protected and that a lack of respect for the disabled, the elderly, and others in society is a result of the fact that the unborn are not cared for first.
“If we don't respect the weakest neighbor, the most powerless neighbor, [the unborn], then we're not going to respect anyone … there are people suffering and lives being threatened and people being taking advantage of because the ones without power are [being] harmed.”
His Excellency has repeatedly made the connection between the defense of the unborn and the defense of the dignity of all mankind in recent weeks on The Bishop Strickland Show.
Today, Bishop Strickland also explains that there is a “lopsided” power structure in today’s world that forgets Jesus Christ is the King of the Universe.
“Christ says all power in heaven and on earth has been given to him, but many people operate as if they've grabbed all the power in the way the world operates. They can for a time exercise that power but one thing that people of faith always need to remember is that any power in this world is really, very temporary.”
Strickland told co-host Terry Barber that the coronavirus has reminded men that they cannot control everything and that some things are outside of their power. He also urged listeners to offer up penitential acts of sacrifice this Lenten season.
This Lent let us offer prayers & acts of atonement & reparation for the grave sinfulness of our world. We are called not to curse the darkness but transform it in God’s Love. Small acts of penance, of atonement for our sins, are a powerful way of living in the Love of Jesus.
— Bishop J. Strickland (@Bishopoftyler) March 4, 2021
“Small acts of penance, of atonement for our sins, are a powerful way of living in the love of Jesus,” he said. “Instead of letting the darkness overwhelm us, we must simply turn our lives into making atonement, making reparation, because every sin is an offense against God.”
To watch all previous episodes of The Bishop Strickland Show, click here to visit LifeSite’s Catholic Rumble page.