December 2, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas has taken a strong stand on the possiblity of a coronavirus vaccine containing fetal cell lines of aborted babies.
As many COVID vaccines are beginning to be rolled out or have already, His Excellency continued to caution Catholics in his diocese and elsewhere to look into these morally objectionable vaccines. In the latest episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, as well as in recent tweets, he addresses these concerns.
“The bottom line for me is, does it [the vaccine] actually contain the markers, the DNA, of aborted children? If it does, I'm not going to accept it,” he declared.
He expressed encouragement for others who will not accept such a vaccine either, given that it violates Church teaching.
His Excellency further said that everyone, especially Catholics, should be more informed on the morality of vaccines. He directed them to a group called Children of God for Life.
“Children of God for Life … gives you lots of information and it lists the vaccines that are ethically produced that do not contain the DNA of children and the vaccines that do.”
Strickland also noted the involvement of Planned Parenthood in this “atrocity.”
Bishop Strickland futher discussed several points of a recent letter he wrote to his diocese, in which he said that the cause of divison in America today is that “as a nation, we have rejected the idea that we are under God.”
Watch The Bishop Strickland Show, co-hosted by Terry Barber of Virgin Most Powerful Radio, which airs every Tuesday at 9pm EST on LifeSite’s YouTube channel. Click here to watch all past episodes.