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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of A Shepherd’s Voice, Bishop Joseph Strickland shares a profound reflection on the Third Commandment: “Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day,” emphasizing the importance of setting aside Sunday as a day dedicated to God, rest, and worship.

Bishop Strickland explains that the Sabbath, rooted in God’s own rest on the seventh day of creation, serves as a reminder of our dependence on Him. In today’s fast-paced world, many have lost sight of this commandment, treating Sunday as just another workday rather than a sacred time of worship and reflection. However, he stresses that honoring the Sabbath is essential for deepening our faith and maintaining our relationship with God.

For Catholics, the Eucharist is at the heart of keeping the Sabbath holy. Strickland underscores the significance of attending Mass, calling it the highest form of worship and an obligation that should be embraced with reverence and devotion. He discussed the concept of transubstantiation – the miraculous transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ – highlighting its central role in the Catholic faith.

Acknowledging modern challenges, he recognizes that some people may be required to work on Sundays. However, he urged believers to do their best to prioritize worship and rest, even if they must fulfill work obligations. He also emphasizes the importance of frequent confession, ensuring that Catholics approach the Eucharist in a state of grace.

Bishop Strickland concludes by calling for a renewed commitment to honoring the Lord’s Day, reminding listeners that the commandments are divine directives meant to guide us toward holiness and a deeper relationship with God.

Drafted with the assistance of AI.

A Shepherd’s Voice is a Catholic podcast in which Bishop Joseph Strickland boldly proclaims the teachings of the Catholic faith with clarity and charity. Through the eyes of tradition, each episode will offer deep insights into the deposit of faith, spiritual guidance, and ancient wisdom to help listeners grow in faith and holiness. There will be no compromise, no ambiguity – just the voice of a shepherd leading the flock.

