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Bishop Joseph Strickland delivers an address to the 2023 Rome Life Forum on October 31, 2023, in Rome, ItalyMichael Haynes/LifeSiteNews

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ROME (LifeSiteNews) — Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, told Catholics gathered in Rome at the LifeSiteNews Rome Life Forum that they “cannot play nicely” when heresy threatens the faith, and that this would “mock the blood of the martyrs” which consecrated the city of Rome to Christ. 

Strickland began his address October 31 by reading a letter sent to him by a Catholic layman prior to the bishop’s trip to the Eternal City for the Rome Life Forum, a conference founded by LifeSiteNews Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen. In the letter, which Strickland said he thought was intended not only for him but also for those present, the prelate admonished, “You cannot, indeed, you must not go to Rome and play nicely. The Queen of Martyrs has called you, and you cannot parcel out truth in pieces.” 

READ: Cardinal Müller: Bishops who don’t preach the faith have ‘forgotten the meaning of their existence’  

“The synod has gathered cowards in Rome, those who not only refuse to die for Our Lord and His Church, but indeed demand that His eternal truths be changed,” the letter continued. “And if you play nicely with these, then you mock the martyrs.” 

“It is not the blood of the cowards that is the seed of the Church, it is the blood of the martyrs,” the letter continued. “And Rome has been literally consecrated by the blood of Christians. As Tertullian wrote, ‘We multiply when you reap us. The blood of Christians is seed.’” 

“It is easy to assert that no real damage has been done to the Church by the synod. But it has done untold damage in attempting to cheapen what Christ has said was worth His life and for which He indeed shed His precious blood. Playing nicely with those who attack truth makes no man a disciple.” 

Strickland himself went on to say that he would not be silent in the face of blatant attacks on the faith, but would continue to speak out in defense of Catholic teaching. “The prevailing imprudence in our Church today is not speaking out inappropriately… I’d rather do that than not speak out when it’s necessary, absolutely necessary,” he declared, to which those listening responded with loud applause. 

READ: Bishop Strickland: Cling to the truth of Jesus Christ amid all the turmoil in our world  

Speaking of the beauty of the “glorious Latin Mass,” which the bishop noted has come under attack by the Vatican, Strickland said he was moved to tears the first time he celebrated the Traditional Latin Mass. 

Regarding the traditional liturgy, Strickland lamented the way in which it has come under attack from Rome. “One of the most frustrating things coming out of the Vatican, and it’s supported at least by Pope Francis, is the attack on the sacred,” he said, admonishing that we must never allow the Mass to become routine. 

Highlighting the example of the many saints who courageously defended the faith to the point of suffering persecution and the shedding of blood, including St. Peter Damien who had to face “the horrible LGBTQYXZ of his time,” Strickland said, “We were born for times such as this.” 

Recalling the example of St. John Fisher, who lost his head “for saying [to the king], ‘No, I’m not going to declare you head of the Church,” Strickland declared, “bishops today need to say, ‘No, we’re not going to pretend truth can change.’” 

Strickland is known for his outspoken defense of the perennial truths of the faith, recently issuing several pastoral letters on important teachings on the moral life, the sacraments, and salvation through the Church. 

This year’s Rome Life Forum runs from October 31 to November 1, immediately following the Vatican’s Synod on Synodality, which threatens to formalize heretical teachings.


Cardinal Müller: Synod is about ‘preparing us to accept homosexuality,’ women’s ordination 

Bishop Strickland: Upcoming Synod will only lead to more ‘confusion’ and ‘division’ in the Church  

Archbishop Viganò praises Bishop Strickland’s pastoral letter on the Synod  

The LAST STAND | Bishop Joseph Strickland REFUSES to resign and Dr. Jordan Peterson WARNS faithful Catholics!  

Pledge your prayers and fasting for protection of the Church during the Synod on Synodality HERE

