
OAKLAND, California, June 16, 2011 ( – The top pro-life group exposing the racist roots and effects of Planned Parenthood’s abortion strategy has continued its attack with a new video and another billboard campaign, this time in California.


The Issues4Life Foundation and The Radiance Foundation launched the abortion awareness and pro-adoption campaign this week. The initiative has placed sixty billboards throughout Oakland with the message “Black & Beautiful” over the image of a black baby, plus the local website,

This month marks the anniversary of legalized abortion in California through the Therapeutic Abortion Act of 1967, the groups noted in a press release this week. That year, there were 518 legal abortions. Today, California has one of the highest abortion rates in America, with over 214,190 abortions performed each year at 522 abortion facilities.

The CDC reports that the Black abortion rate is over three times that of the majority population – a difference, the groups say, that cannot be explained by “health care disparities.”

“The impact of abortion in the Black Community is the Darfur of America,” stated Walter B. Hoye II, President of the Issues4Life Foundation, citing the 15 million Black American lives that have been aborted since 1973.

Ryan Bomberger, an adoptee and adoptive father, is the co-founder of The Radiance Foundation and is responsible for the creation of the TooManyAborted.Com campaign.

“Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion chain, is a failure,” said Bomberger. “They haven’t budged the national unintended pregnancy rate since 1995 but are relentlessly dedicated to increasing their annual share of abortions. They heavily advocate a singular ‘choice’ that feeds their $1 billion dollar tax-payer subsidized budget.”

The groups behind the campaign also say they hope to expose Planned Parenthood’s method of bypassing parents to procure secret abortions for young girls in school.

La Verne Tolbert, a former board member of Planned Parenthood turned pro-life activist, said Planned Parenthood’s abortion business in California thrives in part by cooperating with school-based or school-linked family planning clinics.

“Girls are taken off campus to a Planned Parenthood clinic, where abortions are performed without parental consent or notification,” he said.

Public awareness campaigns focusing on Planned Parenthood’s targeting of black pregnancies have gained grassroots momentum across America in recent months.

In March, thirty billboards in South Chicago were erected connecting the black abortion rate to Obama’s image with the words, “Every 21 minutes, our next possible leader is aborted.” The campaign was funded by the pro-life group Life Always.

An enormous billboard in New York City declaring the womb “the most dangerous place for an African American” caused an uproar and was taken down two days after it was erected in February.