
OTTAWA, Oct 7 (LSN) – Alberta Report magazine reported in their September 28 edition that the organization formerly known as Boy Scouts of Canada will likely vote on November 28 to mandate that all local groups must allow both sexes to join the groups rather than give local groups the option to disregard the 1992 decision which allowed girls into the groups. Meanwhile Girl Guides, the traditional sister organization to the Scouts, continues to deny boys to be “girls.”  John Pettifer, the acting CEO of Scouts Canada, claims that “society has changed radically,  and we are now moving towards a gender-neutral society, and scouting has to keep up with that as we move into the next century.” Ironically, Elaine Paterson, chief commissioner of Girl Guides Canada, argues from the same basic feminist philosophy to refuse boys from joining the Guides. She said, “We are interested in raising strong, competent girls who can develop to their full potential in our organization.  Girls offered the opportunity to see women in leadership roles then realize that they can be leaders themselves.”  Arguing in favour of today’s herd mentality approach to socialization, in place of the proven success of family and community based socialization, she said that “these girls are placed in an all-female environment where girls get to do it all, where they build a sense of their capabilities.”  Pro-family forces argue that at least one reason why this approach is preferred by social engineers is because it makes children more vulnerable to their influence in place of the roles their parents should play in their lives.