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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland discussed the importance of guarding the “deposit of faith,” which refers to the fulness of God’s revelation as taught by Scripture and Church tradition.

As a successor of the apostles, Strickland made a solemn promise to teach and defend the entire body of Catholic teaching. But he emphasized on today’s show that all Catholics, including lay men and women, have a role to play in guarding the deposit of faith.

“We all have the responsibility to live the truth, to guard the deposit of faith,” he said. “And people ask me sometimes, ‘What is the deposit of faith?’ It really is what Jesus Christ has revealed with his very person, and it’s captured, that revelation, in the Bible. From Genesis to the Book of Revelation, all of Sacred Scripture is about Jesus.”

Strickland explained that because Christ is truth incarnate, he himself is the fullness of truth. No new truth is revealed to us after the incarnation. Therefore, Catholics can trust that what the Church authoritatively teaches is rooted in the revelation of Christ.

“What a beautiful deposit of faith we’ve been blessed with,” Strickland said. “It answers the questions of humanity: Who is God? Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? It answers all those questions. That’s what the deposit of faith answers.”

This responsibility takes on an even greater urgency as laypeople and clergy alike begin to doubt certain authoritative truths, Strickland added.

To watch all previous episodes of The Bishop Strickland Showclick here to visit LifeSite’s Rumble page dedicated to The Bishop Strickland Show.

