(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Bishop Strickland Show, Bishop Joseph Strickland urges the faithful to consider devoting themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially since the month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart.
“I reflect on and pray about [Jesus’] Heart stopping when He dies on the cross, just before the soldier’s lance pierces His Chest and His Heart and blood flows out as the image of the sacraments, the image of the Church bursting forth from the Son of God, from His Body,” he says. “And the mysteries there are just amazing.”
His Excellency also has some practical advice for the faithful wondering how to devote themselves more deeply to the Sacred Heart.
“We’ve got to encourage individuals and families to really embrace more of that Catholic culture, and to have an image of the Sacred Heart, to consecrate your home and yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” Bishop Strickland says.
“The images are just reminders of the spiritual truth that we’re called to live,” he adds. “And it’s not just happenstance that the Catholic Church is the one that has this devotion to the Sacred Heart.”
Watch this week’s episode by scrolling up to the video above by clicking here.
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