Wednesday November 28, 2007
Brazilian Homosexuals File “Hate” Charges Against Brazilian Christians
By Matthew Cullinan Hoffman
SAO PAULO, November 28, 2007 ( – The Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals (ABGLT) has lodged a criminal complaint against Christian activist Julio Severo and the National Vision for Christian Awareness (VINACC) for inciting “hatred” against homosexuals, and “homophobia”.
The complaint was made because Severo, on his website (, regularly denounces homosexual behavior as immoral, and opposes the goals of the homosexual movement. VINACC is also accused because it reposts Severo’s material.
Luiz Mott, who is generally recognized as the leader of the homosexual movement in Brazil, rejoiced at the news. “We are all proud of the ABGLT for filing charges against our archenemy, Julio Severo,” he was quoted as saying in a Yahoo homosexual email list. “I hope that he is condemned to perpetual imprisonment in Sodom and Gomorrah.”
Mott is a militant promoter of the “gay rights” agenda in Brazil and an ally of the socialist regime of Luiz Lula. He is also an open promoter of the legalization of pedophilia and pederasty, a fact that Severo has helped to expose (see previous LifeSiteNews coverage at:
Severo denies promoting hatred of homosexuals. “I am opposed to the homosexual behavior, and this is very clear in my blog,” Severo told LifeSiteNews. “I think this behavior is harmful to gays and society, spiritually, mentally and physically. Yet, I do not hate people living in homosexuality, adultery, fornication, thefts. I hate their acts. By God’s Word, I love sinners and I try to lead them to Christ through the Gospel.”
The offending text that formed the basis for the complaint bears no hint of “hatred” of homosexuals, but strongly criticizes their behavior.
“The homosexual minority loses numerically to the vast Christian majority, but is growing in political, legislative, social, and media power, threatening a frighteningly oppressive domination,” he wrote. “The majority – composed of Christians, nominal or not – stand with their mouths open while the minority cries out for rights. Their cry is essentially, ‘Sodomy now! Down with sexual normalcy! Down with male-female marriage!'”
The text goes on to criticize liberal Catholics and protestants for supporting Brazil’s socialist regime, which in turn supports the homosexual “rights” movement.
There is a significant possibility of a verdict against Severo and VINACC in the current political climate in Brazil, which is extremely sympathetic to the homosexual cause.
VINACC was successfully prosecuted several months ago simply for denouncing homosexual behavior as sinful during a campaign to promote heterosexuality and family values. The offending act that resulted in conviction was a billboard that read “Homosexuality: And God made them man and woman and saw that it was good.”
As a result, VINACC was ordered to cancel its campaign and all related events completely. The organization complied (see previous coverage at
Although no laws exist against denouncing homosexual behavior, liberal, activist judges in Brazil often simply behave as if such a law exists, and issue verdicts against those who dare to speak out against sodomy. Homosexual activists, in league with the Lula regime, are attempting to pass legislation that will explicitly outlaw all opposition to homosexual behavior in Brazil.
“For a long time, gay militants have been trying to catch me,” Severo told LifeSiteNews. “Now they think they were successful, because they read my recent article that says Christians should repent. They should do it because their own sins hinder sinners in the world from repenting and help sin (homosexual and otherwise) spread throughout society.”
Related Links:
Julio Severo’s Contact Info (he speaks English):
Julio Severo’s Blog in English:
Julio Severo’s Blog in Portuguese:
VINACC Website (Portuguese):
Previous LifeSiteNews Coverage:
Leader of Brazil Homosexual Movement Under Investigation for Pedophilia
Brazil Attacks Against Family Defenders Backed by Pro-Homosexual Regime of Nation’s President
Julio Severo Interview
Part I:
Part II: ;