(LifeSiteNews) — LeRoy Carhart, the late-term Nebraska abortionist responsible for the deaths of 30,000 innocent babies, has died.
The notorious doctor died at 5:30 on Friday morning, ending his lengthy career of murdering unborn children in their mothers’ wombs. Carhart founded an organization dedicated to committing abortions, which established two “C.A.R.E.” killing centers, one in Bethesda, Maryland, and one in Bellevue, Nebraska.
“This news comes as a shock to me since I was just there praying outside his abortuary a few weeks ago on April 1,” LifeSiteNews’ John-Henry Westen reacted to the news. “I joined a group of LifeRunners praying the Rosary for his conversion and for the mothers who lost their children there and for an end to the killing.”
“I pray he repented and God may have mercy on him, and may the Good Lord bring an end to all abortion.”
READ: WATCH: BBC reporter stunned as top US abortionist admits he’s a ‘baby’ killer
Dr. Pat Castle, founder of the LifeRunners apostolate, also lamented the innocent lives lost at the hands of Carhart, saying, “Lord have mercy on Mr. Carhart, on us and the whole world. We pray today that his legacy will be one for us to remember that evil is real, and good and God are victorious.”
“Love does prevail,” he continued. “Let us love our neighbors in response to God’s command and that that will end abortion soonest.”
In addition to committing abortions during all stages of pregnancy, Carhart was also known for putting the lives of mothers at risk and failing to comply with medical standards of practice. As early as 2011, the abortionist was under investigation for lying on his medical license application. Over the years, multiple women who sought abortions at Carhart’s hands suffered serious injury, resulting in emergency room visits and even death. Six women were taken to the hospital over a span of five months because of Carhart’s actions.

READ: Infamous abortionist mangles 2nd-trimester babies, sends 2 women to hospital with horrific injuries
An undercover investigation in 2017 revealed that Carhart was willing to kill a developed baby for thousands of dollars and without any “medical reason” motivating the abortion.
In 2020, two women required emergency surgery and hospitalization after obtaining abortions of their 25-week-old babies at Carhart’s Maryland facility. Most recently, the abortionist was under investigation for nearly killing a 35-year-old woman in Nebraska after murdering her baby.
Despite his track record, Carhart also downplayed the risks involved with late-term abortions and told patients to avoid the emergency room for complications.
“We do not wish loss on anybody,” lead counsel for Abortion on Trial Mike Seibel said about Carhart’s death. “We pray he converted prior to his death and hope his work does not continue on.”
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