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Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Sims in his video prior to harassing the elderly woman.

PHILADELPHIA, May 14, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The Pennsylvania Democrat lawmaker infamous for filming himself berating peaceful pro-life protesters has disappeared from social media and barring the public from even entering the building where he keeps his office following intense backlash for his antics.

Two weeks ago, Brian Sims drew national attention by posting a video in which he followed a woman who was quietly walking and praying a rosary outside of a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood, attempted to shove his phone in her face, and repeatedly called her “shameful,” “disgusting,” “racist,” and an “old white lady.”

Another video shows him approaching three girls, who he calls “a bunch of pseudo-Christian protesters who’ve been out here shaming young girls for being here,” then offers “$100 to anybody who will identify these three.” Afterward, he approaches a male protester and asks, “What makes you think it’s your job to tell women what to do with their bodies?” But before the man can answer, Sims declares, “The truth is, I’m not really asking, because I don’t care. Shame on you,” and walks away.

The lawmaker at first responded to his critics with defiance, eventually conceding only that he was overly “aggressive,” while continuing to frame pro-lifers as “harassers.”

The videos sparked widespread outrage among pro-lifers, who in a matter of days organized a pro-life rally outside that Planned Parenthood location on May 10. Drawing hundreds of attendees, it featured pro-life speakers such as Lila Rose and Abby Johnson, conservative commentator Matt Walsh, area pro-life activists Dr. Monique Ruberu and Richard Krajewski, Ashley Garecht, the mother of two of the girls seen in the video, and more.

The pressure has apparently compelled Sims to keep a low profile. Over the weekend, he locked his personal Twitter account, on which he describes himself as a “LGBTQ activist and “#RuPaulsDragRace fanatic,” so his tweets cannot be viewed without special permission.

The Daily Wire notes that his personal Instagram and legislative Twitter accounts are still accessible, but haven’t been used since May 1 and May 6, respectively. Additionally, he has not posted to his Facebook account since May 4.

Additionally, Americans United for Life (AUL) revealed that when they attempted to visit Sims’ Philadelphia office, a police officer standing guard prevented them from even entering the building. “It’s just shameful that a publicly-elected representative, guarded by the police, is attacking the citizens of this great state and isn’t even allowing his own constituents to come to meet with him,” AUL president Catherine Glenn Foster lamented.

State Republican Party chairman Val DiGiorgio has requested that U.S. attorney William McSwain, Pennsylvania attorney general Josh Shapiro, and Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner open criminal investigations into Sims for “intimidation and harassment.” Krasner’s office confirmed that it is reviewing the request.

“Meanwhile, our legislature’s reputation, such as it is, continues to spread (and plummet). And Pennsylvania continues to rank with bottom-dwelling states in almost everything from infrastructure to education,” the Philadelphia Inquirer's John Baer wrote, lamenting the weakness of state leaders’ response to Sims’ behavior. “But I guess that happens when people you elect require lectures on even the fundamentals of civil behavior — such as tolerance and decency.”