
LONDON, Oct 19 (LSN) – Last Wednesday a coalition of British doctors launched a campaign against changing the laws governing euthanasia and assisted suicide. Dr. Denis Daley, a spokesman for “First Do No Harm”  (a reference to the Hippocratic Oath) said the media and other sources were pushing “pro-euthanasia propaganda” seeking first the cruel measure of permitting the withdrawal of food and drink from comatose patients.  Dr Daley described these measures as the beginning of the “slippery slope” which would lead to Nazi-style involuntary euthanasia. The potential for this digression, said Daley, is evident in the way abortion policy developed over the last 30 years. Initially abortion was pushed as a means to protect the health of a mother, and was restricted to cases of rape, incest and the life of the mother. Today, it has become a contraceptive bandaid, just another form of birth control.