ESSEX, UK, May 20, 2011 ( – Stacey Solomon, a 21-year-old singer and rising star of British television, is the mother of a wide-eyed three-year-old little boy that she says she was “in love with” before he was even born.
But as she revealed to the UK’s Mirror in an interview published Thursday, the prevailing message for pregnant teens in Britain nearly convinced her that aborting Zach was the responsible choice.
“I just thought, when you’re young and you get pregnant, you get an abortion,” she said, mentioning how painful it was for her to revisit that time of her life while penning her recent autobiography.
“You think of an abortion clinic as a petrol station, something you just go to for what you need and come out again – until you get there,” Solomon continued.
“When they describe to you what they do, you just think – no way. I would never judge anyone who chooses to do that, but I just couldn’t even bear the thought.”
Today, Solomon relishes her relationship with Zach – something that she says deepened when she came face-to-face with the grief of mothers who lost their children during a mission trip to Malawi this year.
“[Zach] is undoubtedly my biggest achievement and I love him more than anything else. This trip has definitely made me appreciate just how precious he is,” she said.
“I remember when I was pregnant with Zachary I was so in love with him and I hadn’t even seen his face. The thought of losing a child you have met and bonded with is just too much to even consider.”
Solomon, whose singing talent and bubbly personality quickly made her a media sensation, said that she worries Zach will think she hated him because she considered an abortion.
“When he’s young he’ll think, ‘Oh, you hate me mum.’ But I thought that about my mum and she never wrote a book about me!” she mused.
Solomon observes that early sexual activity brought much more than she bargained for: she recalled that no one had ever warned her of the pain of labor before she started having sex. “If my mum had told me [about labor], I wouldn’t have gone near a boy,” she said.
Solomon also says she looks forward to having many children one day. “I really want to have a big family,” said the singer, who added with a smile: “Although I don’t know who’s gonna give birth to all the children! I certainly don’t want to.”