
WASHINGTON, March 6, 2003 ( – Republicans are divided over how best to ensure that President Bush’s $15 billion global AIDS initiative fully implements the revived pro-life Mexico City policy, the Reagan-era screening policy that stopped foreign aid dollars from being channelled into the abortion industry in developing countries.  Some Bush allies, led by Sen. Sam Brownback, a Kansas Republican, want the White House to explicitly attach the Mexico City policy to the AIDS law before passing it, citing the fact that it was suspended during Bill Clinton’s abortion-friendly interregnum.  But other Republicans pro-lifers, including Rep. Henry J. Hyde of Illinois, the chairman of the House International Relations Committee, say the bill stands a better chance of passing without the Mexico City albatross. An unnamed source told the Washington Times that pro-life Republicans like Hyde trust the Bush administration to ensure pro-life screening without actually writing it into law. “Most pro-life conservatives take the president at his word that there will be mechanisms in place, a firewall” to ensure AIDS dollars are not used to promote abortion.  For New York Times coverage:   For Washington Times coverage:   For related LifeSite coverage:  BUSH MOVES TO BLOCK OVERSEAS ABORTION FUNDING VIA AIDS GROUPS