WASHINGTON, March 20, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Two pro-abortion liberal Democratic congresswomen are fighting for $134 million for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in an effort to undermine Bush Administration policy to curb the UNFPA’s international abortion empire. Among other actions, Bush reinstated the Mexico City screening policy to prevent aid dollars from supporting abortion. Bush also cancelled $34 million allocated to UNFPA in 2002-03. Carolyn Maloney of New York, who is working with Barbara Lee of California, said Bush is “rolling back women’s rights through regulation, policy changes, and executive orders.” Evidence is also emerging that USAID is doing its best to frustrate and discredit Bush’s pro-life policy. But there are also signs that the pro-life Mexico City policy is working. Hillary Mulenga Fyfe, of Zambia’s misnamed Family Life Movement, which claims to be a faith-based organization, charges the Mexico City policy has “set us back 100 years” because fear of losing funding has “crippled” groups that provide ‘reproductive health counseling’ for women. For newswire coverage: https://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=655&ncid=655&e=16&u=/oneworld/20030307/wl_oneworld/13343_1047047039
WASHINGTON, March 20, 2003 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Two pro-abortion liberal Democratic congresswomen are fighting for $134 million for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in an effort to undermine Bush Administration policy to curb the UNFPA’s international abortion empire. Among other actions, Bush reinstated the Mexico City screening policy to prevent aid dollars from supporting abortion. Bush also cancelled $34 million allocated to UNFPA in 2002-03. Carolyn Maloney of New York, who is working with Barbara Lee of California, said Bush is “rolling back women’s rights through regulation, policy changes, and executive orders.” Evidence is also emerging that USAID is doing […]