
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski and John Jalsevac

WASHINGTON, February 11, 2008 ( – At the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) Conference in Washington, D.C. on Friday, President Bush surveyed the last seven years of his presidency at length, including his stand on a number of important life and family issues.

In a speech which touched on everything from the war on drugs to the attack on the family, Bush compared his own policies and overall philosophy to those of the other “side”:

“On the rights of the unborn – the most vulnerable among us – one side supports abortion on demand. You and I believe in the worth of every human being, the matchless joy of adoption, and the right to life.

“On matters relating to America’s moral compass, we have defended human life. We promoted strong families,” President Bush explained to applause.

“We applied our philosophy to questions affecting the moral fabric of our nation. We believe that all human life is precious and deserves to be protected.”

Bush addressed the issue of embryonic stem cell research and human cloning at some length, condemning embryonic and promoting adult stem cell research, stating, “In 2001, I had a grave decision to make on the question of embryonic stem cell research. I believed we could empower scientists and researchers to discover cures for terrible diseases – without crossing a moral line. So I authorized research on existing stem cell lines, and stood against any effort to use federal tax dollars to support the destruction of human life.

“Our critics had a different view. They thought my defense of life was short-sighted and harmful. When I vetoed two bills that sought to use tax dollars to destroy human embryos, some academics described my position as ridiculous and scientifically naive.”

  He continued, “Then last November, scientists announced a landmark achievement. They found a way to reprogram adult skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells. This discovery has the potential to end the divisive debate over stem cell research. It will allow us to expand the frontiers of medicine, while maintaining a culture of life. In the coming year, we will increase funds for this type of ethical research. And I will continue to push for a ban on the buying, selling, patenting or cloning of human life.”

  The full transcript of President Bush’s speech may be seen here: