WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — LifeSite editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen spoke with Rev. Calvin Robinson from the Capitol during the 2025 March for Life festivities. They discussed his confronting church leadership on same-sex “marriage,” his strong defense of traditional Christian values, his praying and support for President Trump, and more.
This interview, filmed before the controversy surrounding his imitation of the “Elon Musk salute,” opened with a clip from Robinson’s 2023 Oxford Union debate speech in which he blasted three Anglican bishops who supported same-sex “marriage.”
Defending the Christian definition of marriage
“We are seeing the most rapid decline of Christianity in this country that we may have ever seen. Do not accelerate it with heresy; you do not have the authority to bless sin,” Robinson said in the clip. “When I hear the bishop of London on record saying these new prayers will mean priests can bless same-sex relationships, some of which may be sexual in nature, I hear the devil at work! Bishops are promoting the idea of sacramental sodomy; let them be anathema; repent!”
Westen said, “Wasn’t that stunning? The defense of the family, the most unpolitically correct thing to do right there.”
Trump’s return and hope for Western civilization
Westen asked Robinson what he was doing in a video clip of Robinson shaking Trump’s hand then appearing to bless him before the 2024 election.
“I was just blessing the candidate for the election and saying, ‘If it’s in your providence, God, make it happen. If it’s your will, please let him lead this nation,’” he clarified.
Robinson added that he’s tired of seeing the decline of Western civilization, and Trump being president gives him hope for the West’s future.
“I’m just tired of the West being dragged down into this woke, neo-communist, degenerate, satanic, secular, liberal nonsense. I want to see some common-sense Christian values restored again; this is the only place it can happen, really and truly. He’s the only one who can get it done,” he said.
What inspired his Oxford Union speech?
A bit later, Westen circled back to Robinson’s Oxford Union speech and asked what gave him the “temerity” to stand up and defend the family.
Robinson said that while he felt out of place debating three Anglican bishops, he also felt compelled by God to give that speech.
“Marriage is a lifelong, indissoluble union between one man and one woman. And for three so-called shepherds to be saying otherwise is surely leading flocks astray, so I’m happy to stand against them,” he said.
“Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I think we won the day,” he added.
Watch the full interview to hear more from Rev. Calvin Robinson.