
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski

TORONTO, March 25, 2009 ( – Canada’s National Pro-Life organization, Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), has launched a petition campaign calling for legal protection of human life from the moment of conception to natural death, in the lead-up to this year’s annual March for Life in Ottawa (To download the petition:

Signed petitions will be forwarded to pro-life politicians who will formally present all the petitions collected to the House of Commons before the 2009 National March for Life on May 14th, which marks the 40th anniversary of the legalization of abortion in Canada.

May 14, 2009 commemorates the 40th anniversary of the 1969 Omnibus Bill, the law that effectively permitted abortion on demand in Canada. The Omnibus Bill also liberalized divorce and homosexuality laws.

Organizers of the March for Life say that this year’s event is meant to do more than raise awareness of the historical importance of the day in Canadian history. They say that it is a clarion call to rebuild a culture of life in Canada.

A creative 4 min. 40 sec. YouTube video has been placed on line to generate insterest in the March especially from Canadian youth. The video can be seen at

The theme of this year’s National March for Life – Exodus 2009: A Future without Abortion – alludes to the story of Israel’s 40-year journey in the desert before reaching the Promised Land. A YouTube

Campaign Life Coalition is urging every Canadian who respects all human life to download the petition, collect 25 signatures per sheet, and immediately return the sheets to CLC as soon as possible. Mary-Ellen Douglas told LSN that because of the limited time, pro-lifers should send in each sheet as it is filled in, instead of waiting until the last minute to send in multiple sheets.

Jim Hughes, CLC’s National President, exhorts all Canadians to give active help to the pro-life effort: “Every pro-lifer has something to contribute, whether through spiritual support, financial assistance, or political activism. Moreover, the cause of life will not succeed unless every Canadian pro-lifer does become involved. The most innocent and defenceless Canadians, children in the womb, the sick, the disabled, and the elderly, are counting on us.”

Link to download the CLC Pro-life Petition:

More information on the march is available in the February CLC National News at

To see the Campaign Life Coalition webpage