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(LifeSiteNews) –– Canada’s leading pro-life organization has blasted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for calling for abortion access to be expanded and protected as a “right.”

On Thursday, Trudeau put out a message in support of “International Safe Abortion Day” saying the Government of Canada “reaffirms its unwavering commitment to ensuring that women and girls here at home and around the world have access to abortion.” 

“We will never put a woman’s right to choose up for debate,” said Trudeau.  

National President of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) Jeff Gunnarson told LifeSiteNews that Trudeau’s comments are tone deaf to the reality that abortion is never “safe,” nor a positive thing that should be cherished as a “right.” 

“It results in the killing of the child in the mother’s womb. The procedure has failed if it does not result in a dead baby. It’s impossible to ‘safely’ kill someone,” said Gunnarson. 

“Abortion also poses serious risks for the mother and can harm her on many levels, including physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. Abortion has nothing to do with healthcare. It’s an evil practice that must be banned.” 

Trudeau in his message said that Canada is committed to improving access to “abortion beyond our borders through our commitments to global health funding.” 

“With women’s rights under attack around the world, we know that banning abortion does not prevent abortions, it just makes them less safe,” said Trudeau. 

Trudeau continues leftist tactic of abortion ‘fear-mongering’ 

Gunnarson told LifeSiteNews that Trudeau continues to “spread lie after lie,” with his words about expanding abortion access and how it makes the procedure “safe.”  

“His lies defending and promoting the killing of future Canadians are costing some one hundred thousand lives annually. Firstly, abortion is not a human right, let alone a fundamental right for women,” he said.  

Gunnarson added that Trudeau continues to “fear-monger by claiming that this supposed ‘right to abortion’ is under attack around world.” 

“Countries are holding the line against abortion ideologues, or in some cases bringing forward more legal protection for children before birth, and Trudeau refers to that as an attack on women,” he noted.  

In his pro-abortion statement, Trudeau claimed that in 1988 Canada’s “Criminal Code restrictions on abortion were struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada.”  

Gunnarson told LifeSiteNews that while the Criminal Code restrictions on abortion were struck down by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1988, Trudeau made one “major omission” about this fact.  

“In that same decision, the Supreme Court acknowledged that the pre-born child deserve legal protection and called upon Parliament to enact such legislation,” noted Gunnarson.  

Unlike in the United States, abortion in Canada exists in a legal vacuum since being decriminalized.   

The 1988 Morgentaler decision saw the Supreme Court of Canada throw out the last remaining abortion law on the basis that it was unconstitutional. Since then, there exists no federal law regulating abortion, and thus the practice is permitted through all nine months of pregnancy.   

Canada’s current federal government under Trudeau holds extreme pro-abortion views. On the same day that thousands of pro-life Canadians gathered in Ottawa for Canada’s 26th National March for Life, Trudeau went as far as to tweet out a pro-abortion message.   

Also, on the eve of the March for Life, Trudeau pledged his government would fund millions of dollars more to pro-abortion initiatives.    

The 2023 federal budget of Trudeau’s Liberal government has allocated $36 million to fund the promotion of abortion over three years starting in 2024 while at the same time including a statement blasting America’s overturning of Roe v. Wade last year.   

According to CLC’s website, abortion has killed over 4 million pre-born babies in Canada since its legalization in 1969, which is roughly equivalent to the total population of the province of Alberta.   

