
LABRADOR, May 3, 2013 ( – As Labrador voters prepare to go to the polls on Monday, May 13 for a federal by-election, Campaign Life Coalition, the political arm of Canada's pro-life movement, has endorsed Peter Penashue as the best choice based on his voting record on life and family.

Penashue is a former Innu Nation grand chief and was the first Innu person appointed to the federal cabinet. He was elected as the Conservative Member of Parliament for the riding of Labrador in the 2011 federal election, but offered to resign in March 2013 over allegations of ineligible campaign donations, and to run again in this by-election.

Penashue did not respond to Campaign Life Coalition's 2011 candidate evaluation questionnaire, but according to the group, while in office, he “voted the right way on the two life & family bills that came before him,” which prompted CLC to give him its approval.


In 2012 Penashue voted in favor of MP Stephen Woodworth's Motion 312 that challenged Parliament to study whether a child in the womb is a human being based on evidence from modern medical science.

Penashue also voted against the NDP's radical transgender “Bathroom Bill” (C-279) which puts young girls and women at risk by creating a counterfeit, legal 'right' for men to access women's bathrooms and change rooms by simply stating that he “feels” he is a woman.

“As your former MP, Penashue has a favorable voting record in Parliament and is worthy of your support,” CLC stated.

The two other candidates in the by-election are Liberal Yvonne Jones and New Democrat Harry Borlase.

In 2008 Jones revealed her pro-abortion views, telling a local newspaper journalist that she opposed a bill (Bill C-484) that would criminalize injuring or killing an unborn child during an attack on the mother, on the basis that such legislation would jeopardize the so-called “right to abortion.”

“As pro-lifers,” CLC pointed out, “we understand that no such ‘right’ exists.”

Bill C-484, a private member's bill dubbed the Unborn Victims of Crime Act, was proposed by Conservative MP Ken Epp. The bill died after the Conservative government said it planned to table its own bill to bolster penalties for those who assault pregnant women.

Borlase also does not meet the bar because the NDP is official pro-abortion.

“All candidates who seek nomination are required to first sign a declaration affirming the pro-abortion policy,” explained CLC. “The NDP party policy also includes forcing taxpayers to finance elective abortions with their hard-earned money.”

“Campaign Life Coalition asks pro-lifers to vote for Peter Penashue, the Conservative candidate,” CLC concluded, “so please help us get-out-the-vote by sharing this information with your friends and family who may be eligible to vote in the Labrador by-election.”

For more information, visit CLC's Labrador federal by-election Action Alert website page, or call Margie Hynes, CLC's provincial President for Newfoundland & Labrador, at 709-279-3580.