
OTTAWA, May 7, 2003 ( – Pro-life leaders in Canada are warning pro-lifers against donating to organizations which support destructive research on human embryos. LifeSite has recently learned that both The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (HSFC) and the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada have officially admitted that they fund destructive research on human embryos.

LifeSite reported previously that The Canadian Cancer Society, Parkinson Society of Canada, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation all came out in support of research on human embryos.

LifeSite has obtained a copy of the HSFC “Human Stem Cell Research Policy Statement” in which the organizations admits to funding destructive research on human embryos as well as research on aborted baby body parts. “In sum, the Foundation will fund research that derives stem cells from i) existing human embryos or, ii) human fetal material resulting from elective abortions”. In a lame effort to seem conciliatory, the foundation says it will not fund research on cloned human embryos and embryos created specifically for research – both of which are illegal in most countries and even slated to become illegal in Canada's lax stem cell bill.

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada's website confirms that the group funds ethical adult stem cell research but that it will also fund embryonic stem cell research in accordance with the guidelines from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

See former LifeSite coverage noting the support for embryo research by the other organizations listed: