Recent Canadian News

Brampton Pastor Joshua Passes Away Naturally

Wednesday September 8, 2010 Brampton Pastor Joshua Passes Away Naturally By Thaddeus M. Baklinski BRAMPTON, Ontario, September 7, 2010 ( – Pastor Joshua (Kulendran Mayandy) died on the afternoon of September 6 after he was no longer able to receive nutrition and fluid orally following a seizure last week. Two weeks ago, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition was successful in helping the friends of Pastor Joshua reverse the decision of his court-appointed Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) and physicians to remove all food and hydration. The Christian pastor was able to receive nutrition and fluid orally without complications, although any other form […]

Public Hearings on Euthanasia in Quebec Begin Today

Tuesday September 7, 2010 Public Hearings on Euthanasia in Quebec Begin Today By Thaddeus M. Baklinski QUEBEC, September 7, 2010 ( – The provincial commission set up to look at euthanasia and assisted suicide in Quebec begins its ten-city tour seeking public input, starting in Montreal today. The Quebec government agreed late last year to establish the commission to seek public and expert opinion on the issue in response to a motion filed by three members of the province’s Parti Quebecois (PQ), including leader Pauline Marois (Charlevoix), who asked Premier Jean Charest to establish such a commission. Although euthanasia and […]

Ontario’s Crown Accused of Abusing Legal System in Linda Gibbons Case

Thursday August 12, 2010 Ontario’s Crown Accused of Abusing Legal System in Linda Gibbons Case By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, August 12, 2010 ( – Before a courtroom packed with pro-life supporters Tuesday, lawyers for pro-life heroine Linda Gibbons argued that the Crown has abused the legal system by deliberately circumventing a legal challenge against the “temporary” injunction Gibbons is accused of violating. The National Post’s Charles Lewis, who recently published a cover story on Gibbons, was present at the proceedings, which he related in a Tuesday report. Gibbons has been imprisoned continuously since January 20, 2009, when she […]

Conservative Minister: We Don’t Fund Abortions, Just Abortion Groups

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, September 7, 2010 ( – Will the Canadian government fund, or not fund abortion overseas? That has been the question since early spring when Stephen Harper announced his much-debated G8 maternal health plan. But while the government has repeatedly stated that it will not “reopen the abortion debate” and fund overseas abortions, new information has surfaced in the last week that Canada’s top pro-life leader says throws into question those promises. While International Cooperation Minister Bev Oda and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) are insisting that Canada has never directly funded abortion, the fact […]

Catholics’ Constitutional Rights No Safeguard Under Ontario Equity Strategy: CLC

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, September 7, 2010 ( – Assurances that Catholics’ constitutionally-guaranteed denominational rights will be respected under Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s equity and inclusive education strategy are a “distraction” and a “clever tactic” to stave off rebuke from Catholic leaders, says Campaign Life Coalition, which is waging a campaign to have the strategy scrapped. (To find out more, click here) “By its very nature, McGuinty’s plan forces Catholic boards to violate Church teaching and accept the homosexual agenda because it forces all school boards to recognize special rights for homosexuals,” said Suresh Dominic of Campaign Life […]

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Saves Brampton Pastor From Euthanasia

Friday September 3, 2010 Euthanasia Prevention Coalition Saves Brampton Pastor From Euthanasia By Thaddeus M. Baklinski BRAMPTON, Ontario, September 3, 2010 ( – Although warning that the danger is not over, Canada’s anti-euthanasia leader has confirmed that an incapacitated pastor who was being deydrated to death at a hospital has now been given food and water. Alex Schadenberg, director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, said that Pastor Joshua (Kulendran Mayandy), who has been hospitalized since a heart attack in May and was denied food and water under orders of a Substitute Decision Maker (SDM), was fed orally by a member […]

CBC Fails to Mention Discovery Channel Gunman was an Environmental Activist

Friday September 3, 2010 CBC Fails to Mention Discovery Channel Gunman was an Environmental Activist By Patrick B. Craine September 3, 2010 ( – A Canadian pro-life leader has lambasted the CBC and its flagship news show The National for what he says was its extreme bias in covering this week’s hostage-taking in Maryland by an environmental extremist. In their Wednesday night coverage of James J. Lee’s enviro-terrorism at the Discovery Communications building in Silver Springs, Maryland, The National failed to mention Lee’s environmental motivations and wrapped up the piece in 45 seconds. “Imagine how differently they’d treat it if […]

Ontario Equity Strategy Threatens to Embed Religious Discrimination: CLC

Thursday September 2, 2010 Ontario Equity Strategy Threatens to Embed Religious Discrimination: CLC By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, September 1, 2010 ( – As part of their campaign to scrap Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s equity and inclusive education strategy, Campaign Life Coalition is warning that the strategy threatens to embed a systematic and unjust religious discrimination within school boards’ hiring and advancement policies. Jim Hughes, CLC national president, said that the strategy “clearly makes for discrimination against those who don’t hold to the Ministry’s homosexualist version of ‘equity’, both in terms of advancement in the board and in terms […]

40 Days For Life Starting September 22 in Cities across Canada

Thursday September 2, 2010 40 Days For Life Starting September 22 in Cities across Canada By Thaddeus M. Baklinski September 2, 2010 ( – Pro-lifers in a record 238 locations in the U.S., Canada, Australia, England, Northern Ireland and Denmark are now preparing for 40 Days for Life campaigns from September 22 to October 31. This year, nine Canadian cities are gearing up to mobilize people of faith and conscience for the seventh coordinated 40 Days for Life campaign. These unified efforts have seen more than 350,000 people joined together in an historic display of unity to pray and fast […]