Recent Canadian News

Provincial Court to Rule on Freedom of Speech Case at U of Calgary

Monday October 25, 2010 Provincial Court to Rule on Freedom of Speech Case at U of Calgary By Thaddeus M. Baklinski CALGARY, October 25, 2010 ( – Provincial court Judge John Bascom said he will rule early next year whether University of Calgary security officials had the authority to charge Bill Whatcott with trespassing for handing out flyers on campus criticizing homosexuality. Judge Bascom heard arguments on Friday from Crown prosecutor Kristyn Stevens and from defense lawyer Dale Fedorchuk. Fedorchuk told the court that Whatcott was arrested by campus security on July 25, 2008 as a result of a complaint […]

Last Minute CLC Candidate Ratings for Ontario Mayor & City Councillors!

Monday October 25, 2010 Last Minute CLC Candidate Ratings for Ontario Mayor & City Councillors! TORONTO, Canada, October 25, 2010 ( – Campaign Life Coalition has posted a last minute resource for voters in Ontario’s municipal elections. Special web pages are now available for CLC’s candidate ratings for Ontario Mayors and City Councillors. The announcement by the national pro-life organization explained that this election cycle, it did not target every city in Ontario, due to limited resources, but “we focused instead on the cities which are known to fund Planned Parenthood with taxpayer dollars”. CLC’s announcement included the following Ontario […]

International Pro-Life Conference Schedule Now Online

Monday October 25, 2010 International Pro-Life Conference Schedule Now Online OTTAWA, Canada, October 25, 2010 ( – Because of many enquiries, LifeSiteNews is posting a link to the schedule for this weekend’s International pro-life Conference in Ottawa, Ontario. The schedule can be viewed here. | Send Letter to Editor

Quebec Relativism Course Going to Supreme Court

Friday October 22, 2010 Quebec Relativism Course Going to Supreme Court By Patrick B. Craine QUEBEC, October 22, 2010 ( – The Supreme Court of Canada, in a case with implications for parental rights across the country, has agreed to examine whether Quebec parents should be allowed to exempt their children from the province’s mandatory course in moral and religious relativism. Sylvain Lamontagne, president of the Coalition pour la liberte en education (CLE), praised the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case, saying the ethics and religious culture (ERC) course “undermines the fundamental rights of freedom of conscience and religion, […]

Ottawa Pro-Aborts Trying to Get 40 Days for Life Permit Revoked

Tuesday October 19, 2010 Ottawa Pro-Aborts Trying to Get 40 Days for Life Permit Revoked By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, October 19, 2010 ( – After failing to rally an ongoing protest against the Ottawa 40 Days for Life, a group of pro-abortion activists are petitioning the city to revoke the vigil’s permit. The Ottawa 40 Days campaign, nearing the end of its fourth run, maintains a vigil 12-hours a day on Bank St., across the street from the Morgentaler abortion facility. From the beginning, the Pro-Choice Coalition of Ottawa has attempted to mount a protest on the other […]

“Married” Lesbian Couple from U.S., Australia Denied Refugee Status in Canada

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, October 21, 2010 ( – Two women, one from the U.S. and the other from Australia, who were “married” in Canada four years ago are trying to gain refugee status in the country by claiming that they would face persecution in their countries of origin. The couple, whose names are withheld, are appealing after their claim was denied in July by the Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board.  They came to Canada in September 2007 and filed for refugee status the same month, after being “married” in Toronto in 2006. At the June hearing, the women claimed that […]

Students from Ontario School ‘Inspired’ to Participate in Ottawa 40 Days for Life

By John Jalsevac PETERBOROUGH, Ontario, October 20, 2010 ( –“Everything that our school and community does is pro-life,” says Adam Parker, the principal of Wayside Academy, a private Catholic school in Peterborough, Ontario. For years already the school has participated en masse in the annual March for Life in Ottawa, and school families regularly join a weekly pro-life vigil in front of the local hospital, where abortions are committed. But this fall the school has added participation in the 40 Days for Life Campaign to its pro-life repertoire – and students, administrators and teachers alike are agreed that this year’s […]

“The Most Important School Board Election”: CLC Rates Candidates for Ontario School Trustee

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, October 18, 2010 ( – Campaign Life Coalition, the political arm of Canada’s pro-life movement, has published their ratings of candidates running for school trustee in Monday’s Ontario municipal election, which the group has said “may be the most important school board election Ontario has ever faced.” (For Catholic candidates click here.  For public candidates click here.) CLC said that Premier Dalton McGuinty and the Ministry of Education “have embarked on a strategy of child indoctrination,” and the schools are “becoming instruments” of that indoctrination. The organization points out that the Ontario government recently tried […]

Pro-Abort Group Pushes “Blob” Media Images that Hide the Humanity of the Unborn

By Patrick B. Craine VANCOUVER, British Columbia, October 20, 2010 ( – The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) has recommended a set of photos to the media for abortion-related stories that, according to one pro-life leader, shows the “foolish” lengths to which the abortion lobby will go to hide the humanity of the unborn. At the same time, the pro-abortion group has admitted that the number of abortions reported by Statistics Canada is lower than the true figure, saying “many” abortion facilities do not report the abortions they commit. As reported by the blog Big Blue Wave, the ARCC […]

Catholics Urge Ontario Bishops to Reconsider Approval of Gay-Neutral Education Policy

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, October 19, 2010 ( – The Ontario Catholic bishops have now publicly endorsed the implementation of the Ministry of Education’s controversial equity and inclusive education strategy in the province’s Catholic schools. In an October 4th statement, the bishops explain that they have endorsed a Catholic version of the equity policy.  “The Bishops believe that the proposed template will help ensure that our schools will remain faithful to Catholic teaching as they move forward with the Ministry’s directive,” it reads. The statement, meant to deal with concerns over the treatment of homosexuality in the Ministry’s […]