Recent Canadian News

Woman Jailed for Abortion Counseling in Toronto Acquitted, Set Free

Wednesday July 28, 2010 Woman Jailed for Abortion Counseling in Toronto Acquitted, Set Free By John Jalsevac July 28, 2010 ( – Mary Wagner, the young woman who was jailed earlier this year for entering an abortion clinic and counseling women and abortion workers, has been acquitted of all charges and freed from jail. Mary Wagner’s mother, Jane Wagner, told (LSN) that she received a call from Mary this morning saying that she had been acquitted, but was unable to provide specific details about the judge’s decision. Attempts to contact Mary have been unsuccessful. At a hearing earlier this […]

Young Sex Offenders Forced to Look at Porn in B.C. Study

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VANCOUVER, B.C., July 30, 2010 ( – A British Columbia government research program at the Youth Forensic Psychiatric Service subjected sex offenders as young as 13 to videos of adult pornography or pictures of children in various states of nudity, accompanied by audio descriptions of violent, coercive or forced sexual activity, while sensors attached to their genitals measured their state of arousal. The “penile plethysmograph” test is meant to measure whether corrective treatments such as psychotherapy and behavior modification are effective in helping sex offenders. The little-known program, which has been running for 25 years under […]

Canadian Politicians Seek Positive Alternatives to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, July 23, 2010 ( – Following the sound defeat of a bill to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada’s Parliament this spring, dozens of the country’s MPs – representing all parties – have come together to address the root causes that lead some of Canada’s vulnerable to desire their own deaths. “It’s not enough simply to oppose assisted suicide and euthanasia,” said Harold Albrecht (Kitchener-Conestoga), the Conservative co-chair of a new Parliamentary Committee on Palliative and Compassionate Care (PCPCC).  “We have to go deeper than that and ask why people are even considering […]

UVic Pro-Life Club Wins Back Club Status

By Patrick B. Craine VICTORIA, BC, July 20, 2010 ( – The embattled University of Victoria pro-life club, Youth Protecting Youth (YPY), is declaring victory after reaching a settlement last week with UVic’s student society (UVSS) that reinstates the club’s status and funding. “This is a great victory for YPY,” said club president Anastasia Pearse in a statement on the group’s website. “We interpret the UVSS’ concessions as an admission of wrongdoing, and we’re happy with the new direction it’s taking.” The club had been subject to growing discrimination over the last two years, which came to a head this […]

A Great Lady, Mary Florence Hughes, Passes Away

By Steve Jalsevac TORONTO, July 19, 2010 ( – Jim Hughes is vice-president of International Right to Life and the president of Canada's national pro-life organization, Campaign Life Coalition. For Jim, other than his wonderful wife Ginny (Virginia), his mother has been a major inspiration and support in his life. Mary Florence Hughes passed away on Saturday in her 101st year and will be greatly missed by Jim and his family, his sister Pat and the extended Hughes family. In addition, the Canadian and international pro-life movements owe a debt of gratitude to this great, always faithful Irish Catholic lady for having raised and strongly supported […]

Last Day to Voice Concerns about Euthanasia to Quebec Government

Friday July 16, 2010 Last Day to Voice Concerns about Euthanasia to Quebec Government By Thaddeus M. Baklinski QUEBEC CITY, Quebec, July 16, 2010 ( – On May 25, 2010 the Quebec government announced that it was soliciting feedback from Quebec citizens about whether euthanasia and assisted suicide are acceptable forms of “care.” Citizens of Quebec have until today, July 16, 2010, to provide this feedback to the government. The Quebec National Assembly’s special commission on “dying with dignity” asked for input from the general public on the consultation document after having heard from legal, medical, ethical, and philosophical experts […]

Pro-Life Leader: Quebec’s Free IVF Plan Turns Children into Property

Wednesday July 14, 2010 Pro-Life Leader: Quebec’s Free IVF Plan Turns Children into Property By Patrick B. Craine QUEBEC, July 14, 2010 ( – Quebec’s Liberal government has announced a sweeping plan to publicly fund all in-vitro fertilization procedures in the province as of August 5th, offering up to three rounds per couple. But the plan has been denounced by a Quebec pro-life leader who emphasizes that IVF kills unborn babies, and that the government is effectively making children out to be their parent’s “property.” The initiative, announced Tuesday by Health Minister Yves Bolduc, makes Quebec the first jurisdiction in […]

“Pro-Choice” Quebec Priest Slams LifeSiteNews in Major Media Outlets

Monday July 12, 2010 “Pro-Choice” Quebec Priest Slams LifeSiteNews in Major Media Outlets Editorial by John-Henry Westen July 12, 2010 ( – Fr. Raymond Gravel, Canada’s infamous priest/politician who was ordered out of politics by Vatican pressure, has issued an open letter in Quebec’s daily Le Devoir in which he accuses LifeSiteNews of embarking on “an organized witch hunt” against him. Today CBC French television interviewed me on the matter. I explained that at LifeSiteNews we have indeed been concerned with Fr. Gravel’s actions and statements, and that we care enough about him to voice objections to the harm he […]