Recent Canadian News

Toronto’s Aid to Women saving babies every week

by Pauline Kosalka TORONTO, Ontario, November 16, 2010 ( – In the fight against abortion, there is a need to go beyond the legal dimensions and help those who are most vulnerable. Aid to Women, a pro-life crisis pregnancy centre in downtown Toronto, is an example of a successful organization that reaches out to individual women who are considering having abortions. Opened in the late 1980s, the organization has saved over 2,000 babies from abortion and continues to rescue an average of two to three babies per week. Aid to Women is right beside the Cabbagetown Clinic, an abortion facility […]

Editorial: Bishops’ Development and Peace report encouraging, but only the beginning

LSN Editorial November 15, 2010 ( – The Development and Peace funding controversy has reached a new, and hopeful stage with the release last week of the long awaited report by the CCCB's Ad Hoc Committee on Development and Peace. The bishops involved in that committee should be thanked and congratulated for proposing much needed changes to the organization's procedures. However, there are still many questions and concerns about how the Development and Peace (D&P) controversy has been handled, and whether the proposed reforms will be properly implemented, or implemented at all. While in Rome last month, LifeSiteNews Editor-in-Chief John-Henry Westen […]

Minnesota Judge Refuses to Dismiss Case against Online Suicide Predator

Wednesday November 10, 2010 Minnesota Judge Refuses to Dismiss Case against Online Suicide Predator By Thaddeus M. Baklinski MINNEAPOLIS, November 10, 2010 ( – A Minnesota judge has rejected a request to dismiss two felony charges against suicide predator William Melchert-Dinkel on Tuesday, preparing the way for the case to go to trial – a decision that a prominent anti-euthanasia activist has welcomed as a sign that “sanity is prevailing.” Melchert-Dinkel, 48, a former Minnesota nurse who admitted to participating in online chats with 15 to 20 people about suicide, and entering into fake suicide pacts with about 10 people, […]

New Campaign Launched Opposing Canada’s Beleaguered Human Rights Commissions

Thursday November 11, 2010 New Campaign Launched Opposing Canada’s Beleaguered Human Rights Commissions By Patrick B. Craine VANCOUVER, B.C., November 11, 2010 ( – As Canada remembers today those fallen soldiers who offered their lives to preserve the country’s freedom, a new grassroots campaign is launching to protect those hard-won freedoms from a new and unlikely threat – our own government’s human rights commissions and tribunals. “As strange as it might sound, it’s in the very name of human rights that our fundamental freedoms are being challenged,” said Neil Dykstra, the campaign’s spokesperson. “These quasi-judicial bodies have wandered far from […]

Infamous Infanticide Proponent to Speak at Ottawa Church

Wednesday November 10, 2010 Infamous Infanticide Proponent to Speak at Ottawa Church By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, November 9, 2010 ( – Infamous infanticide proponent Peter Singer of Princeton University is scheduled to deliver a talk in Ottawa this month expounding his view on the moral implications of climate change. The talk, being hosted by the Carleton University Philosophy Society at Dominion-Chalmers United Church, is entitled “Climate Change: Moral Wrongdoing by the Developed World.” Proceeds from the event will go to Oxfam. Singer, who serves as the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at Princeton University, is known as […]

Gay Activist Promotes Gay ‘Marriage’ at Ontario Catholic College

Monday November 8, 2010 Gay Activist Promotes Gay ‘Marriage’ at Ontario Catholic College By Patrick B. Craine LONDON, Ontario, November 8, 2010 ( – A leading American advocate for same-sex “marriage” and homosexual adoption last month called on a gathering at a Catholic university in Ontario to “build the bridges of inclusion” for homosexuals within the Church, making it clear that the Church’s teachings are themselves an affront to this “inclusion.” “The somewhat charitable act of simply reminding gay and lesbian people that they are children of God is not the same as working to achieve justice and inclusion for […]

Ottawa-Carleton School Board to Ask Students their Sexual Orientation

Friday November 5, 2010 Ottawa-Carleton School Board to Ask Students their Sexual Orientation By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, November 5, 2010 ( – The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board intends to conduct a survey of its students to “gather demographic information about the unique and diverse composition of our student population,” according to information on the public school board’s website. The survey will be conducted between November 22 and December 10, 2010, with parents of students from junior kindergarten to Grade 6 filling out the questionnaire, while students in Grades 7 to 12 will be asked to complete the survey on […]

Canadian PM Harper Opposes Law Protecting Women from Coercive Abortions

Friday May 21, 2010 Canadian PM Harper Opposes Law Protecting Women from Coercive Abortions By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, May 21, 2010 ( – Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today openly opposed a bill seeking to protect women from being coerced into abortions. The prime minister said he doesn’t want any new legislation on abortion and will vote against any attempts to bring in an abortion law, reports CTV. “I generally don’t comment on private member’s legislation,” Harper told reporters in Niagara Falls. “But I have been clear: I will oppose any attempt to create a new abortion law.” […]

Canada’s Evangelicals Back Bill Outlawing Coercive Abortion

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Canada’s Evangelicals Back Bill Outlawing Coercive Abortion By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 19, 2010 ( – The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) has announced that they are endorsing Bill C-510, the proposed legislation that would criminalize the coercion of pregnant women to obtain abortions. The bill, introduced last Wednesday by Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge (Winnipeg South), would “ensure that pregnant women who choose to carry their child to term will have that decision respected and protected,” maintains the EFC. “This is a bill that, while not addressing the legality of abortion in any way, […]