Recent Canadian News

Canada’s Evangelicals Back Bill Outlawing Coercive Abortion

Tuesday April 20, 2010 Canada’s Evangelicals Back Bill Outlawing Coercive Abortion By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, April 19, 2010 ( – The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) has announced that they are endorsing Bill C-510, the proposed legislation that would criminalize the coercion of pregnant women to obtain abortions. The bill, introduced last Wednesday by Conservative MP Rod Bruinooge (Winnipeg South), would “ensure that pregnant women who choose to carry their child to term will have that decision respected and protected,” maintains the EFC. “This is a bill that, while not addressing the legality of abortion in any way, […]

First Hour of Debate on “Roxanne’s Law” Takes Place in Canadian Parliament

Monday November 1, 2010 First Hour of Debate on “Roxanne’s Law” Takes Place in Canadian Parliament By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, November 1, 2010 ( – “No pregnant woman should ever have to choose between protecting herself and protecting her baby,” said Conservative Member of Parliament Rod Bruinooge as he spoke in the first hour of debate today on “Roxanne’s Law”. The bill, which seeks to ban coerced abortion, is named after Roxanne Fernando, a Manitoba woman whose boyfriend attempted to coerce her to have an abortion after she became pregnant in 2007. After refusing to have the unborn […]

Campaign Launched to Promote “Heroic” Choice of Adoption in Canada

Wednesday November 3, 2010 Campaign Launched to Promote “Heroic” Choice of Adoption in Canada By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, November 3, 2010 ( – A national campaign to draw attention to the “heroic” choice of adoption for women with unplanned pregnancies has been launched by LifeCanada, an organization focusing on public education on the value of human life. (To find out more about this campaign, click here) November is National Adoption Awareness Month in Canada. While almost 60% of unplanned pregnancies result in the woman choosing to parent her child, 40% end in abortion, and less than 2% of single […]

New Brunswick Pro-Aborts Take Funding Campaign to Human Rights Commission

Thursday November 4, 2010 New Brunswick Pro-Aborts Take Funding Campaign to Human Rights Commission By Patrick B. Craine FREDERICTON, New Brunswick, November 3, 2010 ( – Unsuccessful in the provincial legislature and held up by the courts, the New Brunswick pro-abortion lobby has taken their campaign to gain funding for Morgentaler’s private abortion facility to the province’s human rights commission (HRC). Chairman Randy Dickinson announced this week that the commission is launching an investigation into the province’s abortion policy. “This is the last thing that mothers and babies need in New Brunswick, another case against them,” said Peter Ryan, executive […]

Porn – The Most Dangerous Threat in the Culture War, Says LifeSite Editor

Tuesday November 2, 2010 Porn – The Most Dangerous Threat in the Culture War, Says LifeSite Editor By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, November 2, 2010 ( – LifeSiteNews was developed in 1997 as a response to the anti-life media that refuses fair treatment of pro-life views, explained editor-in-chief John-Henry Westen at the International Pro-Life Conference in Ottawa, Ontario on Saturday. LifeSite “was and is now an incredible way of reappropriating the media,” he said. “We are the news voice of the pro-life, pro-family movement. We want to be there for you. All across the world, we try to be […]

RED ALERT: ‘Scary’ Canadian Transgender Anti-Discrimination Bill Sails Thru Committee

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, November 5, 2010 ( – A private members bill that would criminalize discrimination based on “gender identity” and “gender expression” sailed through a parliamentary committee this week with no amendments, leaving pro-family advocates deeply concerned that the bill will pass when it comes up for a vote perhaps as early as December. Jim Hughes, national president of Campaign Life Coalition, today called on all people of good will to alert their MPs to the grave concerns and “legal nightmares” at stake in this bill, warning, for example, that it will lead to male cross-dressers […]

Rob Ford’s Election as Mayor of Toronto: A Lesson for Pro-life, Pro-family Politicians

By Campaign Life Coalition staff November 4, 2010 ( – On election night, Rob Ford’s victory astonished the mainstream media and almost all the pollsters. They predicted a neck-in-neck race between Ford, a “right-wing” conservative, and the openly gay George Smitherman. Contrary to media predictions, Ford won a whopping 47.1% of the votes, leaving Smitherman in the proverbial dust with 35.6% of the vote.      Toronto’s 2010 mayoral race contains a valuable lesson for pro-family and pro-life politicians who are timid about stating their position on moral issues during the campaign. What’s the lesson?  Don’t be ashamed of your beliefs. […]

Monthly Pro-Life Radio Spot Launched by Priests for Life Canada

Monday November 1, 2010 Monthly Pro-Life Radio Spot Launched by Priests for Life Canada By Thaddeus M. Baklinski November 1, 2010 ( – Priests for Life Canada has announced that it is producing a monthly one-hour program called “The Pro-Life Hour” that will be broadcast in the Southern Ontario region covering Toronto, Hamilton, London, and St. Catharines, and neighboring parts of the U.S. The program is produced and broadcast in collaboration with Radio Teopoli – AM530 Multicultural Radio – and will air both on AM530 and on the Radio Teopoli website on the first Tuesday of each month. The premier […]