Recent Canadian News

Fredericton Caves: Allows First Gay Parade and Declares Aug. 8-15 Pride Week

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski FREDERICTON, NB, August 10, 2010 ( – In 1995, Fredericton Mayor Brad Woodside refused to proclaim “Pride Week” until forced to do so in 1998 by the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission. At the time, Woodside argued that his faith and his right to freedom of speech exempted him from having to proclaim Pride Week, and that “sex had no place in the council chambers.” This Sunday, however, Fredericton held its first gay parade, with Mayor Woodside raising the rainbow flag on Friday outside city hall and telling the 50 or so people gathered to watch […]

Gibbons Trial, Pickets Outside, Packed Courtroom

TORONTO, August 10, 2010 ( – Pro-life heroine Linda Gibbons appeared before Madam Justice Mara Beth Greene today, but no ruling was issued as was expected.  The College Park courtroom was packed with pro-life supporters, with many more outside staging a Show the Truth demonstration witnessing with large signs the reality of abortion. Numerous police officers attended the court proceedings.  According to one eye-witness, “One female police officer took great pains to restrict Linda's view of the participants.” Gibbons was reserved, silent, and particularly attentive throughout the hearing. Charles Lewis, National Post reporter who last week wrote a front-page extensive news report published in the […]

New Poll Confirms Most Canadians Do Not Know Canada Has No Abortion Law

Wednesday August 4, 2010 New Poll Confirms Most Canadians Do Not Know Canada Has No Abortion Law By Thaddeus M. Baklinski TORONTO, August 4, 2010 ( – An Angus Reid public opinion poll published on August 3 confirms the findings of a poll conducted early this year that most Canadians are woefully unaware of the country’s status quo on abortion. The online survey of a representative national sample of 1,022 Canadian adults, conducted from July 7 to July 8, found that 21 percent of respondents knew that Canada has no restrictions on abortion whatsoever. In comparison, the poll conducted in […]

Linda Gibbons Hits Cover of National Post

Tuesday August 3, 2010 Linda Gibbons Hits Cover of National Post By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, August 3, 2010 ( – Pro-life prisoner of conscience Linda Gibbons hit the front page of the National Post on Saturday, in what has been called the largest piece on the pro-life heroine yet from Canada’s national media. Religion reporter Charles Lewis, who interviewed the pro-life activist at the Vanier Centre for Women, one hour west of Toronto, explained that Gibbons “believes she has a Charter and God-given right to counsel against abortion, to stand in front of an abortion clinic and offer […]

Call For Pro-Life Films by Canadian Christian Film Festival

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski SUDBURY, Ontario, August 6, 2010 ( – Organizers of the third annual REAL LIFE Film Festival du cinéma C'EST LA VIE (RLFF) have announced that the submission period for the 2011 Festival is now open. The RLFF, to be held in April 2011 in Sudbury, is a vibrant, bilingual Christian cinematographic experience. A multi-day event, the RLFF presents Christian and Family feature films, documentaries and shorts from Canada and around the world. The theme for the 2011 RLFF is LIFE and HOPE. “LIFE and HOPE speak universally to the human spirit,” said Lina Madore, the Festival […]

REAL Women of Canada Reports on Award to LifeSiteNews

By Real Women of Canada Editor's Note: This article was originally published in the July/August edition of the national pro-life, pro-family women's organization's Reality Magazine August 6, 2010 ( REAL Women was very pleased to honour LifeSiteNews ( with its REAL Women annual award in 2010. The award was presented at REAL Women’s annual conference in North Bay in April, 2010 to John-Henry Westen, editor and co-founder of LifeSiteNews on behalf of our organization. LifeSite plays a unique role in the culture wars, both in Canada and internationally. LifeSiteNews is courageous and forthright in its investigative work and reports. No matter […]

Funding Cuts to Former Canadian Government’s Feminist Network

Commentary by Real Women of Canada OTTAWA, Ontario, August 6, 2010 ( – Canadians may not realize the extent to which successive Liberal governments have developed a vast network of left-wing government dependent organizations to promote liberal causes. When their funding is cut, these special interest groups discover that average Canadians don’t even know they exist and couldn’t care less that their funding has been eliminated. However, these left leaning groups are shocked when their feelings of entitlement are bruised by the Conservative government’s funding cuts. They proclaim that if the money doesn't keep flowing their way, democracy is undermined, […]

Canada’s CRTC Should Not Approve More Pornography

Commentary By Lou Iacobelli TORONTO, August 5, 2010 ( – It began with the big lie told to Canadians by the Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau who said that the state had no business in the nation’s bedrooms. His government, however, went on to implement the worst laws that have changed the family, sexuality, marriage and the very meaning of the human person. Trudeau’s deception continues today. On April 1, 2010, the CRTC licensed a pay-TV pornography channel, called Vanessa, to Montreal-based Sex-Shop Television. It requires the programming to include a minimum of 20 percent Canadian content. This means that […]