Recent Canadian News

Former PM Paul Martin Calls for Abortion in Maternal Health

Friday June 25, 2010 Former PM Paul Martin Calls for Abortion in Maternal Health By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, June 25, 2010 ( – Former Prime Minister Paul Martin has issued a call for abortion to be included in the Canadian Government’s maternal and child health initiative at this week’s G8 summit, and openly criticized Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s handling of the issue. “Regardless of what your position is on abortion, you’ve got to understand that in a huge number of these cases, some people say the majority of these cases, the mother’s health is at risk,” he told […]

No To Ontario Premier McGuinty’s Sex Education

Tuesday June 22, 2010 No To Ontario Premier McGuinty’s Sex Education Commentary By Fr. Alphonse de Valk (this article is republished with permission from the June 10, 2010 edition of Catholic Insight magazine) June 22, 2010 ( – On April 22, 2010, Premier Dalton McGuinty and his education minister, Leona Dombrowsky, announced a new sex education program for public and Catholic schools in Ontario. This plan had been prepared beforehand by then-education minister Kathleen Wynne, who lives a lesbian lifestyle with her same-sex partner. The program for Grade 1 stipulated that children learn all parts of the human body, including […]

University of Calgary Students’ Union Withdraws Complaint against Campus Pro-Life

Updated: 07/19/2010, 15:14 CALGARY, June 24, 2010 ( – The University of Calgary Students’ Union* has formally withdrawn its complaint against the Campus Pro-Life (CPL) student group in relation to a pro-life display held on campus each semester. On February 10, 2009, the Students’ Union Clubs Committee had resolved that Campus Pro-Life lose its status as a sanctioned club. The Students’ Union Clubs Committee decision was appealed by CPL and discussions between the student group and the Students’ Union had been ongoing. Earlier this year the University of Calgary administration, separate from the Students’ Union, found eight members of CPL […]

New Look, New Style, New Feel: CLC Youth Re-launches in Canada

By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, June 24, 2010 ( – The political arm of Canada’s pro-life movement is rallying the country’s young people to demand protection for the youngest and most vulnerable members of society. “We need to have our voices heard and show people that we care about real issues and will go to all lengths to prevent the killing of innocent unborn children in our country,” said Alissa Golob, coordinator for Campaign Life Coalition’s newly re-launched youth division.  “As youth in our country we have an extremely powerful voice.” Campaign Life Coalition Youth (CLCY) is a network […]

New Grassroots Group Calls Quebecers to Action against Euthanasia

June 22, 2010 ( – A new grassroots group in Quebec is urging Quebecers to join the campaign to stop euthanasia and assisted suicide from being “smuggled” into the public health care system under the guise of medical treatment. Vivre dans la Dignité(Living with Dignity), a grassroots group network that officially launches its campaign on Tuesday, says that Quebecers must tell the Charest government that euthanasia and assisted suicide must be rejected as “unnecessary and dangerous.” “Euthanasia and assisted suicide are killing, plain and simple. We cannot allow killing to be confused with health care in Quebec,” said Linda Couture, director […]

Western Canadian Pro-Life Campaign Changes Hearts and Minds

Friday June 18, 2010 Western Canadian Pro-Life Campaign Changes Hearts and Minds By Patrick B. Craine See LifeSiteNews’ earlier piece: Alberta Pro-Life Campaign Makes Splash in Local Media CALGARY, Alberta, June 18, 2010 ( – In addition to getting big media coverage, the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform’s “Reproductive Choice” campaign across Southern Alberta last week generated strong feedback from the public – both positive and negative. “Our hope is by getting the abortion issue discussed and debated in the public again we’re opening up what the other side has been trying to shut down for so long,” said Jose […]

Liberals Continue Backdoor Push for Abortion in G8

Friday June 18, 2010 Liberals Continue Backdoor Push for Abortion in G8 By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, June 18, 2010 ( – As the G8 approaches, the Liberal Party of Canada has called yet again for abortion to be included in the government’s maternal health initiative. Liberals have seized onto a Wednesday report from the parliamentary Standing Committee on the Status of Women, saying it shows that funding abortion would be “evidence-based,” compared to the Conservatives’ “ideological” approach. But pro-life leaders insist that the development and release of the Wednesday report is a classic example of the pro-abortion movement’s […]

Quebec City Cardinal Ouellet to Rome? “Only a Rumor” Says Archdiocese

Thursday June 17, 2010 Quebec City Cardinal Ouellet to Rome? “Only a Rumor” Says Archdiocese By John-Henry Westen QUEBEC CITY, June 17, 2010 ( – Popular Vatican insider reporter Andrea Tornielli has said that the powerful post of head of the Vatican congregation which deals with appointing and assigning bishops is to be taken by Quebec City Cardinal Marc Ouellet. However, the Archdiocese of Quebec told LifeSiteNews today that the report is only “a rumor.” Jasmin Lemieux-Lefebvre, director of communications for the archdiocese, noted that over the last few years there have been similar rumors about the Cardinal returning to […]

Reprimanded Canadian Doctor Told He May Only Perform Abortions

Thursday June 17, 2010 Reprimanded Canadian Doctor Told He May Only Perform Abortions By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, June 17, 2010 ( – An abortionist at Henry Morgentaler’s Ottawa abortuary has agreed to restrict his practice following allegations that he failed to maintain an adequate standard of care. But pro-life groups are up in arms over the fact that he has been forbidden from practicing everywhere except in abortion facilities. “Obviously abortion is at the bottom rung of the medical profession when the lowest of the low are sent to operate these clinics,” said Alissa Golob, head of Campaign […]

Lawsuit Seeks Order Forcing Canadian Blood Services to Accept Blood from Homosexuals

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, June 18 2010 ( – A court battle brewing between the Canadian agency in charge of collecting blood donations and an active homosexual could result in a ruling that removes the ban on homosexuals giving blood. Canada Blood Services (CBS), which collects, screens and ensures the safety of the blood supply, sued homosexual Kyle Freeman last fall after he admitted to lying in the pre-donation screening process and giving blood despite the lifetime ban on men who have sex with men (MSM) giving blood. The ban was put in place in 1985 after the Canadian Red Cross, […]