Recent Canadian News

Cardinal Primate of Canada Slammed by Media, Receives Death Wish for Abortion/Rape Comments

By John-Henry Westen and John Jalsevac To sign a petition in support of Cardinal Ouellet, click here. QUEBEC CITY, May 12, 2010 ( – Quebec City Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the Cardinal Primate of Canada, has erupted into the national spotlight after he defended Christian teaching about the immorality of abortion in all circumstances at a Campaign Life Coalition Conference in Quebec City Saturday. Asked by a reporter about the Church’s teaching on abortion in cases of rape, the cardinal said: “the child is not responsible for how he was conceived, it is the aggressor who is responsible. We can see him (the […]

Saskatchewan Court Reserves Decision on Conscience Rights of Marriage Commissioners

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski REGINA, May 18, 2010 ( – After hearing submissions from both sides of the issue in the case involving proposed legislation that would allow the province's marriage commissioners to refuse to perform same-sex “marriages,” the five judges of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal have reserved their decision and will issue a written ruling after further deliberation. The provincial government is seeking the court's advice on the constitutionality of two versions of a proposed law. The law is intended to resolve the situation that has seen marriage commissioners sue the provincial government over its insistence that they […]

Canadian MPs Praise Pro-Life Successes, Vow to Keep up Fight at March for Life

By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, May 18, 2010 ( – The annual National March for Life in Ottawa was blessed again this year with a strong voice on the podium on Parliament Hill from a group of 21 federal Members of Parliament. The MPs used the occasion to celebrate the successes for the Canadian pro-life movement over the last year, and to pledge their continued efforts in the fight for life on the Hill. Conservative MP Jeff Watson (Essex), standing alongside his wife and five children, gave voice to the upbeat optimism of the pro-life event when he said, […]

Cardinal Ouellet to Canadian Gvmt: Take Stand For Life at Home Too

Thursday May 13, 2010 Cardinal Ouellet to Canadian Gvmt: Take Stand For Life at Home Too By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, May 13, 2010 ( – Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada, applauded the Conservative-led Canadian government at the March for Life on Parliament Hill today, for its refusal to fund abortions in the developing world. At the same time, however, he called on the government to replicate this policy at home. “We support this stance of the government not to finance abortion in countries of the Third World,” he told the cheering crowd of […]

12,500 Gather on Parliament Hill for Canadian March for Life

Thursday May 13, 2010 12,500 Gather on Parliament Hill for Canadian March for Life By John Jalsevac OTTAWA, May 13, 2010 ( – Under balmy skies that were greeted with prayers of thanksgiving by those recalling last year’s cold and blustery weather, thousands of pro-life Canadians gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for the 2010 Canadian March for Life on Thursday – a crowd that Jim Hughes, president of Campaign Life Coalition, estimated at about 12,500 people. “This is something that God sent us as a special gift,” said Hughes, the main organizer of the annual pro-life event, about the […]

March for Life Canada Expects Biggest Turnout Ever

Wednesday March 3, 2010 March for Life Canada Expects Biggest Turnout Ever By Thaddeus M. Baklinski OTTAWA, March 3, 2010 ( – The organizer of Canada’s National March For Life, Campaign Life Coalition, is predicting that, with the help of a massive turnout from Ottawa area Catholic schools, 20,000 people will participate in this year’s annual pro-life march on May 13th, 2010. On February 22, 2010 Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) held a meeting to discuss strategies to bring about Ottawa Catholic high school participation at the National March for Life (NMfL). Chris Murawsky from CLC’s National March for Life organizing […]

McGill Forces Pro-Life Club to Accept Special Restrictions

Thursday April 8, 2010 McGill Forces Pro-Life Club to Accept Special Restrictions By Patrick B. Craine MONTREAL, Quebec, April 8, 2010 ( – The Student Society of McGill University (SSMU) has reinstated the club status of Choose Life, the campus pro-life club, but only after forcing them to submit to special requirements that restrict the club’s ability to share the pro-life message. The SSMU Council voted April 1st to reinstate the club, but also required them to attach an appendix to their constitution in order to “facilitate their compliance” with SSMU’s equity policy. Natalie Fohl, Choose Life’s president, said that […]