Recent Canadian News

Vancouver School Board Hosts Homosexual Conference for Teens at Elementary School

By Thaddeus M. Baklinski VANCOUVER, British Columbia, April 6, 2010 ( – The Vancouver School Board (VSB) held “Vancouver’s first-ever anti-homophobia conference for students” at Queen Mary Elementary School on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. “The conference will focus on the experiences, needs and plans of students to address homophobia and gender stereotypes in their schools,” said Steve Mulligan, VSB’s anti-homophobia and diversity coordinator, prior to the event. “The conference will include students from around the Lower Mainland (and as far away as Campbell River), who want to make their schools more inclusive.” The event was co-sponsored by four homosexualist advocacy […]

Canada Ratifies UN Convention on Rights of Disabled

Tuesday March 16, 2010 Canada Ratifies UN Convention on Rights of Disabled By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, March 16, 2010 ( – The Canadian government announced last week that they have ratified the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, meeting both praise and caution from pro-life leaders and advocates for the disabled. The Hon. Lawrence Cannon (CPC-Pontiac), Minister of Foreign Affairs, ratified the Convention at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday. “Canada is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities and enabling their full participation in society,” he commented […]

Cardinal Ouellet: Quebec Must ‘Return to God’

Monday March 29, 2010 Cardinal Ouellet: Quebec Must ‘Return to God’ By Patrick B. Craine QUEBEC CITY, Quebec, March 29, 2010 ( – Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec and Primate of Canada, has once again called for Quebec to renounce its anti-religious secularism and return to its Catholic-Christian roots. “I sadly note that the total rejection of our Catholic identity leads more and more to a total mess in education,” the Cardinal wrote last month in Le Soleil. “The byproducts are well known: fragile couples, broken families, massive abortions, soon euthanasia, suicides at alarming rates, evident school dropouts, work […]

Sask. Human Rights Commission Seeks Supreme Court Case against Catholic Activist

By Patrick B. Craine REGINA, Saskatchewan, April 1, 2010 ( – The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has announced their intention to take their case against Bill Whatcott, a Christian fighting the encroachment of homosexualism, to the Supreme Court of Canada. Whatcott told LifeSiteNews (LSN) Thursday that the SHRC has informed his lawyer, Tom Schuck, of their intention to appeal the February 25th decision of the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals. Whatcott suggested that, while he does not want to take the case “for granted,” the SHRC's appeal is a poor strategic move in light of the current negative feelings over […]

U.S. Congressmen: Clinton’s G8 Abortion Push is “Outrageous,” Misrepresenting America

By John-Henry Westen WASHINGTON, April 1, 2010 ( – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has received a flurry of criticism from politicians on both sides of the border for pushing abortion as a necessary component of the Canadian government's G8 maternal and child health initiative.  While Canadian Conservative politicians and even the prime minister resented Clinton’s interference into Canadian politics, several Congressmen from her own nation have decried her intervention as misrepresenting America. Speaking by telephone, leading pro-life Congressman Chris Smith told (LSN) that Clinton’s abortion push was “outrageous.” Particularly in a discussion of maternal and child health, […]

Pro-Life Activist Lambastes Catholic MP for Backing Liberal Abortion Motion

By Patrick B. Craine GUELPH, Ontario, March 30, 2010 ( – Veteran pro-life activist Jakki Jeffs has publicly denounced her Member of Parliament, Frank Valeriote (Guelph, Lib), a Catholic and fellow parishioner, for his vote in favor of last week's Liberal motion that called on the Canadian government to promote abortion in the Third World. “As a Roman Catholic politician, he has to take his faith into consideration,” Jeffs, who is the executive director of Alliance for Life Ontario, told LifeSiteNews (LSN) on Tuesday.  “So I would expect him to uphold life in all those things.” The Liberal motion was […]

Conservative MP Criticizes Ignatieff’s Abortion Advocacy as “Cynical Politics”

Friday March 26, 2010 Conservative MP Criticizes Ignatieff’s Abortion Advocacy as “Cynical Politics” By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, March 26, 2010 ( – A Conservative Member of Parliament slammed Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff in an interview with LifeSiteNews (LSN) yesterday over the latter’s persistent attempts at pushing abortion in the government’s G8 maternal and child health initiative, most recently through a failed Liberal motion. “I think it was very cynical politics on behalf of Mr. Ignatieff,” commented Dean Del Mastro (Peterborough, CPC). “I think he’s crossed the line between pro-choice and simply being pro-abortion, and I think that’s who […]

9 Babies Saved at Toronto 40 Days for Life, Organizer Says

Friday March 26, 2010 9 Babies Saved at Toronto 40 Days for Life, Organizer Says By Patrick B. Craine TORONTO, Ontario, March 26, 2010 ( – The Toronto 40 Days for Life prayer vigil has seen 9 women make the choice to keep their babies, organizer Nicole Campbell told LifeSiteNews on Friday. This is 40 Days Toronto’s third campaign in front of the abortuary at Lawrence & Dufferin, and Campbell says she believes they are now “starting to see the fruits” of those campaigns. She said that on Thursday she witnessed an Asian couple in grade 10 change their mind […]

Liberal Pro-Life Heroes Secured Defeat of Pro-Abortion Motion

Wednesday March 24, 2010 Liberal Pro-Life Heroes Secured Defeat of Pro-Abortion Motion By Patrick B. Craine OTTAWA, Ontario, March 24, 2010 ( – The defeat of the pro-abortion motion proposed yesterday by Liberal MP Bob Rae was secured in part by the vote of three Liberal MPs who broke ranks with their party to oppose it, despite immense pressure to give their support, and the threat of disciplinary action if they did not. The motion, which called on the government to offer a “full range of reproductive health services” (which would have included abortion) in its G8 maternal and child […]