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Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators and courts telling them to uphold parental rights.

(LifeSiteNews) — The Million Person March against the LGBT agenda in schools has announced rally locations across the country.

Set to take place Wednesday, September 20, the Million Person March is a coast-to-coast protest gathering Canadians of all ages, races, and religions to defend children from LGBT indoctrination in schools.

The protest, organized by Muslim Canadians, has adopted the slogan, “Leave our kids alone,” specifically in regard to gender ideology, age-inappropriate sexual content in school libraries, and LGBT propaganda.

‘”Woke ideology’ which promotes animosity, division, and ultimately hate in our schools and communities,” the event’s website warns.

“We call for a ban on so-called medical ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors under the age of 18,” it continued. “Children do not have the brain development, maturity, wisdom, or life experience to fully appreciate the long-term consequences of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures designed to emulate the appearance of the opposite sex.”

“We call for a national referendum on the removal of ‘gender identity’ and ‘gender expression’ from the federal and provincial human rights codes,” the website added. “These are ideological constructs and not human rights. Canadians deserve a chance to decide whether we want an ideological or biological definition of gender to be instantiated in Canadian law.”

The protest is planned for cities across Canada. Information for events in each province can be found here.

The main protest will take place in downtown Ottawa, Canada’s capital. Canadians will gather at the Parliament Hill at 9 a.m. EST before marching downtown at 11 a.m.

Pro-family Christian activist and high school student Josh Alexander is set to be the youth leader for the Ottawa march.

The event organizer, Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist Kamel El-Cheikh, was hopeful the event would have a good turnout, saying, “I am optimistic – absolutely. You know, if [there’s] one thing that’s going to inspire Canadians from coast to coast to go down and protest, it’s the kids and their innocence and it’s families.”

Event organizers are requesting that if parents cannot attend the march, they keep their children home from school on September 20.

Send an urgent message to Canadian legislators and courts telling them to uphold parental rights.

