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OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) –– Canada’s Minister of Veterans Affairs essentially admitted that her ministry did not send out a Good Friday message to the thousands of Christian service members who have served the nation because there were so many other “holidays” in March. 

On May 24, Veterans Affairs Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor said while speaking in the House of Commons that “given all the holidays being celebrated over the month of March, including Easter, a decision was made to acknowledge all those celebrating a holiday in the month of March.” 

“An Easter-specific post was published on Easter Sunday,” she added. 

Taylor was responding to a question from Conservative MP Michael Barrett concerning a generic non-religious “happy March holiday season” social media post made by the department on March 29, which was Good Friday this year. 

“We want to wish Veterans, current members of the [Canadian Forces] and [RCMP] and their families a happy March holiday season!” read the posting on X (formerly Twitter).  

The post drew a strong online backlash for its generic tone in not recognizing one of the most important days for Christians, Good Friday, marking Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. 

Barrett had noted at the time that the generic Veterans Affairs post was a sign that the department was “too woke to acknowledge either the cultural or religious significance of Easter?” 

He also pointed out most Canadians are Christians, adding that “nobody worth worrying about is offended by wishes of a Happy Easter.” 

In March of this year, Jews celebrated Purim, while Muslims started Ramadan and Hindus celebrated Holi.  

According to Taylor, the post was put together by her communications staff and was approved at the director level. There were no actions taken regarding the post. 

“However, the internal approval process is being reviewed with the goal of ensuring greater oversight on social media plans,” she noted.  

Christianity has come under attack in recent years in Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. As reported by LifeSiteNews, last December Trudeau was forced to admit that “Christmas is not racist” after a government report caused a stir after suggesting it was. 

When it comes to the military, the canceling of a Good Friday message is not the only time officials have tried to cancel Christianity. 

Last November, the Canadian military rescinded restrictions on public prayer during Remembrance Day following backlash from Canadians.  

Other government bodies have also faced backlash over criticism of Christian holidays. The House of Commons passed a unanimous motion in support of Christmas after the Canadian Human Rights Commission portrayed the holiday as discriminatory. 

The commission wrote in an October discussion paper that “statutory holidays related to Christianity, including Christmas and Easter,” represent an “obvious example” of “systemic religious discrimination.” 

