
By Hilary White

  OTTAWA, May 1, 2007 ( – The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) in a statement in preparation for the upcoming national March for Life on May 10th, calls on Canadians to “reconsider the inconceivable juridical void” in Canada regarding abortion.

“We mourn the 3 million children who, over the last 36 years, have been refused the right to life in this country.”

  Calling abortion “a flagrant injustice” in a country claiming to be dedicated to human rights, COLF says “it is an illusion” to think that human rights can be pursued without “respecting the first of all fundamental rights: the right to life.

  The group condemns the refusal of successive Canadian governments to extend to the unborn the Charter-guaranteed rights to “life, liberty and security of the person”.

“Unborn humans,” the group says, “whether minutes after conception or seconds away from their birth, have continued to be utterly excluded from these basic protections.”

  Many attendees at the annual March for Life take the opportunity to speak to the legislators present to ask directly for the institution of laws to protect the unborn.

“As a civilized country, considering the knowledge that we now have about prenatal development, we cannot continue to deny the evidence: to destroy a human fetus or embryo is to prevent the birth of a unique and irreplaceable human being,” the COLF statement said.

  The Ottawa-based COLF is co-sponsored by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus and publishes a number of pamphlets expounding Catholic doctrine on the sanctity of life, giving guidance in end-of-life care and the nature and rights of the family.