EDMONTON, April 16, 2001 (LSN.ca) – A motion at the Canadian Alliance National Convention held April 4-6 discussed the current major controversy of stem cell research. Alliance MP Jason Kenney spoke advocating a ban on destructive research on human embryos. Kenney noted that such research is unethical since it destroys human life and that considering the amazing results of adult stem cell research, experimentation on human embryos cannot be excused.
Prior to an amendment which would have suggested a moratorium on such research rather than a ban, one of the delegates to the meeting asked that the motion be tabled. The vote to table the motion was narrowly passed at Alliance National with 51% for and 48% against. Unfortunately, due to the motion being tabled, this critical issue cannot be raised again until the next Alliance convention in 2 years. The federal government is currently developing policy and legislation on the issue.
The shelved motion means that the Alliance will not have an official position on the matter of embryonic research at least until the next convention. However, the standing minority report on the issue by the Canadian Alliance demands a legally enforced moratorium on embryonic research.