
OTTAWA, Jan 19 (LifeSiteNews) – A report on Canadian indebtedness issued last month by the Fraser Institute warns that the Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security, and healthcare have all been put in jeopardy thanks to the anti-natalist demographics seen in Canada since the 1960’s. The institute report explains that since Canada’s system is pay-as-you-go benefits of current retirees are financed by current workers. Therefore, a drop in the future working population compared to the retired population spells trouble: big trouble, according to the report’s figures.

According to the report, the unfunded liability of CPP and OAS alone is $1.1 trillion – almost twice the amount of total debt in Canada. Healthcare by itself has amassed an unfunded liability of nearly $1.3 trillion. All told, these three programs contain unfunded promises amounting to $2.4 trillion.  And with the ratio of workers to retirees, currently 4 to 1,  estimated to drop to 1.5 to 1 by the year 2030, the situation looks severe.

“One of the driving factors behind this crisis is demographics,” says the report, which also notes declining birth rates as a major contributor. At their inception, the CPP, OAS and healthcare programs were based on the assumption that population demographics, economic growth rates, and wage increases prevalent in the 1960s would continue indefinitely.

Rather than restoring past assistance for parents and family life in general, the source of children, the establishment is likely to eventually push for massive euthanasia. The Canadian government is one of the world’s leading population control and anti-family advocates and is therefore highly unlikely to favour the most practical solution of implementing major policies to return our birthrate to at least replacement level.

For the full report from the Fraser Institute click here.