By John-Henry Westen
OTTAWA, October 17, 2006 ( – The Toronto Star reports today that the Catholic Church in Canada is “positioning itself to take a much more active role in the country’s politics” and specifically the gay ‘marriage’ legislation which is scheduled to be reopened before Christmas.
Winnipeg Archbishop James Weisgerber spoke with the Star yesterday after returning on Saturday from a meeting of Western Canadian Bishops with Pope Benedict XVI.“We are a big part of this society . . . We will be a vigorous part of the debate . . . As leaders, we are guardians of long traditions of wisdom,” Weisgerber told the Star.
The Canadian Catholic bishops are currently meeting in Cornwall Ontario for their annual meeting which runs this week.Â
In an address to the gathered bishops, Apostolic Nuncio (the Pope’s representative to Canada) Archbishop Luigi Ventura said that the bishops must speak out on issues of life and family, on assisted human reproduction and euthanasia.“The Church has the duty and the right to express herself on these questions,” said Archbishop Ventura thanking the bishops for their conviction.“Therefore, as his Representative, I desire to thank you in the name of the Holy Father and to echo his recent encouragement to you to continue your steps in this direction,” added the Nuncio. (see his full address here: )
Bishop Weisgerber warned there would be political consequences for politicians who decline to vote to support traditional marriage.“When you have an issue as important as the fate of the family, that can define an election,” he told the Star.
This morning from about nine to noon, the bishops discussed Catholics in political life. They heard from now-retired Washington DC Cardinal Theodore McCarrick who headed the US Bishops task force which debated what to do about Catholic politicians who support abortion and if they should be denied communion.Â
During that debate the Vatican reiterated its long-standing position that Catholic politicians who obstinately support abortion “must” be denied communion.ÂÂ (see coverage: )
See the coverage in the Star: