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Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Officer Patrick McNultyYouTube screenshot

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(LifeSiteNews) – An officer with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) posted a video to social media blasting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mandatory travel-monitoring ArriveCAN app, while accusing his employer of “enforcing tyranny.”

“Treat these people [those affiliated with the CBSA and Public Health Agency of Canada] like they’re invisible, seriously,” CBSA Officer Patrick McNulty said in the now-viral video titled, “How to Beat ArriveCAN App.”

“I genuinely thought that at lot of this had just fizzled away, [but] this [only] goes away when we recognize this charade,” added the officer, who revealed he is now on “leave without pay” from the CBSA for COVID-era non-compliance.

Giving his advice for how to avoid using the ArriveCAN app when entering Canada, McNulty says that “when you land in Canada, first you’re going to speak to a border officer, or you might ‘speak’ to a computer” to fill out your information.

If you do not have the ArriveCAN app, McNulty explains it is likely that a border agent will either direct you to Public Health or another department to deal with the lack of compliance.

When you’re standing in the line the agents have directed you to, McNulty advices Canadians to pay attention to the purpose of the line.

If the line is for COVID testing or another Public Health-related reason, McNulty informs Canadian that they have no obligation to stay in the queue.

“It’s time for you to leave. If you see a police officer standing there… do not [leave] without announcing it. Just tell them. Look them in the eye and go, ‘Hey, I’m a Canadian, or, I’m a permanent resident, I’m going home. Thank you sir, have a nice day.'”

McNulty states that the “worse case scenario” is the officer will follow you and threaten you with a fine, at which point he explains you can just inform them that they are free to “send [you] the ticket,” adding that if you have not downloaded and filled out the ArriveCAN app information, it is unlikely the officer will even know your address or bother to seek out that information.

The officer explains that a common concern he hears from people is that if they do get hit with the hefty $6500 fine, they will not be able to afford it.

McNulty says in this instance there are two options. One can consent to the 14-day quarantine and likely avoid the financial penalty, or, one can accept the ticket and fight it, ensuring citizens that the ticket will “get thrown out.”

“[The government] is genuinely counting on mass confusion, which then equates to mass compliance,” charged the CBSA official.

Concluding his advice, McNulty explains that things have changed so drastically in the border agency since the onset of the so-called pandemic, that officers are often just as confused as the citizenry. Due to the lack of confidence in the law on behalf of the agents, McNulty advices Canadians to record all their interactions when crossing back into the country.

“So, unfortunately.. some of you officers who are choosing to side with tyranny, you’re going to get caught on tape making a fool of yourself!,” he quipped.

As reported by LifeSiteNews, while the ArriveCAN app was initially marketed as a temporary tool to allow Public Health officials to monitor COVID quarantines during the so-called pandemic, recent statements by Trudeau’s Minister of Public Safety suggest that the program is not only here to stay, but is actively being expanded “beyond” the scope of its initial use.

“The growth of the scope of the ArriveCAN app is troubling,” Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms lawyer Hatim Kheir told LifeSiteNews by email. “It started as a tool for monitoring quarantine. It was expanded to include health data, specifically, COVID vaccination status. It is being further expanded to include customs information.”

“Under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, every Canadian citizen has the right to enter Canada. The app infringes that right of mobility by acting as a barrier to returning,” explained Kheir. He added that “[t]he app also poses serious threats to privacy” as “Canadians should not be required to disclose personal, medical information as a precondition to exercising their right to return home.”

Help Jenny Porter recover from her vaccine injury: LifeFunder

