OTTAWA, May 9, 2002 ( – The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF), founded by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Knights of Columbus to promote respect for human life and dignity and the essential role of the family, has issued a statement on the March for Life. “May each and every person marching in the National March for Life under this year’s theme, ‘Let Them Live,’ reaffirm his or her personal commitment to give even the tiniest and earliest life the chance it needs and deserves!” says the letter. Then reminding pro-lifers that they must put their convictions into practice also in the political realm, the letter said, “We must make ethical choices and political decisions to protect the family, the ‘sanctuary’ where life is nurtured.” In an affirmation that will be read at the March for Life Friday, the letter states: “As members of the human family, we have to affirm, loudly and clearly, that all human life is priceless and that every person is endowed with a dignity that must be upheld. We must also proclaim that each human being, created in the image of God, has incalculable worth and dignity. … Children are our hope and our future. Let them live!” In related news Focus on the Family Canada also promoted the March for Life in their regular electronic mail out to supporters.
See the full COLF letter: