
OTTAWA, September 13, 2004 ( – Novalis publishers are Canada’s most prolific producers of books on Canadian Catholic spirituality. Their missalettes can be found in almost every Catholic parish as the quasi official version. The September edition of the ubiquitous pamphlets feature laudatory sections on the ‘spirituality, theology and religion’ of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Canada’s most notorious architect of the ‘new society’ that includes abortion on demand, no-fault divorce, legalized sodomy, contraception, and an ever increasing devotion to leftist principles that threaten Canadian sovereignty.  The current struggle to preserve the existence of marriage and to protect the rights of the family can be traced to the policies of what has been called ‘Trudeauism.’ Many Catholic individuals and organizations objected to the lavish state funeral given by the diocese of Ottawa to Trudeau, the man who contributed greatly to the current state of moral chaos in Canadian political life.  The Novalis missalette for September features an image of Trudeau and the text, “Discover the reverence that lay ‘hidden’ behind the famous irreverence. Friends and colleagues provide fascinating, candid and thoughful glimpses into Trudeau’s spirituality, theology and religion showing when and how they influenced the ‘public’ man and public policy.”  Novalis authors read like a who’s who of feminist and neo-modernist ‘theologians.’ Featured prominently on Novalis’ list are such notoriously feminist, anti-Catholic writers as Mary Malone, the former nun and former Christian, now admitted pagan, who used the media to make a public display of her renunciation of Christianity. Volume 3 of her book series, “Women and Christianity” is featured with the promotional blurb extolling her discussion on, “the challenges to contemporary Christianity by women’s spirituality and Christian feminism (particularly ecofeminism). These issues, breathtaking in their scope, have released the kind of spiritual energy that will reverberate through the church of the twenty-first century.” Special Report:  “The Real Pierre Trudeau Father of Canada’s Permissive Society”   Read an interview with Mary Malone on her new book series:   Contact Novalis:

Albert, Ronald Director General, Administration, Montreal [email protected]