May 21, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian doctor and author of a declaration opposing attempts by the Canadian medical establishment to prohibit doctors from questioning the mainstream COVID-19 narrative says the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is “dismantling the ethics put in place after the Second World War with the Nuremberg Code.”
“I was taught in medical school that the bedrock of the Nuremberg Code is a free and fully formed consent [for all patients]. To only promote the public health measures is a denial of the rights of those patients,” Dr. Patrick Phillips, who works as an emergency room physician in Englehart, Ontario, told LifeSiteNews.
Phillips, along with other Canadian physicians, helped author and then publish the declaration “For science and truth,” which came in response to a recent statement from the CPSO saying that doctors must not speak their mind if that would contradict the “official” government response to COVID-19.
The CPSO statement is directed against doctors who take to social media to speak their minds freely in opposition to COVID-19 lockdowns, and states that doctors who go against public health measures and vaccines, or promote “unproven treatments for COVID-19,” will be investigated.
The group of physicians countered that at its core, the primary obligation of a doctor is not to the “CPSO or any other authority,” but to patients.
Phillips noted that the “science and truth” declaration is all about informed consent and patient rights. “It’s a group of physicians from across the county, we are all signatories of the document itself, there is no particular author, but when we saw that statement from the college, we were shocked about how restrictive and anti-science it was.”
“[The CPSO statement] was basically asking us to go against our oath and our ethics of putting the patients first in offering free and fully informed consent to our patients, and we knew we had to do something.”
The “science and truth” declaration states that the CPSO statement “violates” a doctor’s pledge to his patients in three ways: by denial of the scientific method, by violating a doctor’s pledge to use evidence-based medicine for patients, and by violating the duty of informed consent.
Phillips told LifeSiteNews that the CPSO has denied patients “the right to hear all sides of the story” about COVID-19 lockdowns and medical treatments. “It’s not simply a declaration. We are asking the CPSO to rescind their statement. This is about patient rights.”
Phillips said that the plan for the “science and truth” declaration going forward is for it to grow and spread both among the medical community, as well as to other professions.
“We are a movement of physicians who are going to follow the Nuremberg Code, a diverse group of physicians. We are not anti-vaccine, or even anti-lockdown necessarily,” Phillips explained.
When asked about feedback regarding the “science and truth” declaration, Phillips said that many doctors he knows were shocked by the CPSO statement, but were afraid to sign the declaration due to the possibility of being “canceled.”
“A total of 151 physicians were brave enough to sign and endorse it as of today. This is really significant,” he added.
Now, the document has a total of roughly 11,000 signatures, including over 400 physicians. The signatories also include dentists and other medical professionals.
The mixing of medicine with politics “is very dangerous”
Phillips said that when it comes to pushing through COVID-19 treatments funded by both government and industry who have “teamed up” together, one should proceed with skepticism.
“I was always taught in medical school to be very skeptical of any kind of guidelines put out there if they are funded by industry … because the science can be manipulated, and so at this time, big pharmaceutical companies are kind of teaming up with government, and all physicians should be skeptical of any kind of guidelines that are coming out that are all funded by industry,” he continued. “We are seeing very clearly that mixing of the science of medicine with politics, is very dangerous.”
Phillips noted that doctors need to be able to “speak freely, we need able to debate all of the issues freely.”
“Masking, air travel, they have flip-flopped multiple times, we need to be critical and look at evidence. We are on the frontlines. We are seeing these harms. It’s tragic.”
Phillips says kids need their “lives back”
While working in the ER, Phillips said that he sees daily the harms caused by extended lockdowns, notably among kids who have lost “all their friends” while being stuck in front of a computer camera on “Zoom meetings.”
“All these kids, they don’t need antidepressants, they don’t need counseling, they just need their lives back, they need their friends, they need to play, school, they need hope for the future, and that’s what our government is taking away right now, and that’s why we need to openly debate these things,” he said.
“We are seeing these harms, we’re seeing them every day in my emergency department, and its tragic, and I can’t just see all these harms and just stand by silently. I think that’s true for all of us who signed this declaration, that we can’t stand by silently while our patients are being harmed and not speak about it.”