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U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

(LifeSiteNews) — Canadian doctors are warning against the so-called “self-amplifying” mRNA COVID shots recently released in Japan, with one doctor calling it the “next iteration of Frankenstein technology.”

Medical freedom fighter Dr. Mark Trozzi, virologist and vaccinologist Dr. Byram Bridle, and oncologist Dr. William Makis, who has expertise in immunology, met for a debriefing after giving talks at the Japanese Parliament for this year’s International Crisis Summit. They stressed that these new replicon COVID “vaccines” are dangerous like their predecessors, the mRNA COVID shots.

VIDEO – ICS6 Tokyo – Debriefing after speeches at the Japanese Parliament and to the Japanese Media and Public (Sep.29, 2024) by Dr. William Makis MD

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This is the next iteration of this Frankenstein technology,” Dr. Makis said.We don’t know what this technology is going to do. We know it has all the negative features of the first generation of mRNA vaccines.”

Self-amplifying or “replicon” mRNA shots take mRNA jabs to the next level — a kind of mRNA shot “on steroids.” 

As James Corbett has explained, self-amplifying mRNA shots contain “the equipment needed to make more of itself once it enters cells,” “not only injecting the mRNA for the antigen of interest (such as one that encodes the coronavirus spike protein) but also mRNAs that get translated into replicase proteins that will in turn produce more of the mRNA species.”

Corbett noted that there are “mountains of evidence of harm caused by the mRNA vaccines, from the cardiac casualties to the blood clot body count to the all-cause mortality victims to the various vaccine injuries to the unfortunate side effect known as ‘died suddenly.’” 

These Canadian doctors pointed to different aspects of these shots as responsible for these harms, including the spike protein produced by the mRNA, and the lipid nanoparticles required to deliver mRNA into a cell. These features extend to the new replicon shots, as Dr. Makis noted, and in fact, sa-mRNA is said to generate even more antigen proteins than its original counterpart.

Dr. Bridle said that, when “questioned by local Japanese scientists,” the company producing the COVID replicon shot shared that they tested only eight mice during their first round of trials. “So they’re literally jumping from experiments with eight mice to human — and I would like to say poorly designed — human clinical trials.”

He added that even human clinical trial data for the shot is “very sparse,” and that there is “no medium to long-term safety data whatsoever.”

The doctors pointed out that they don’t know whether the mRNA material in the replicon shot can shed to other people, and Dr. Bridle asserted that evidence has already emerged of “shedding” of the original COVID mRNA shot. 

“I mean, it’s like Monsanto spreading glyphosate and contaminated seeds. This possibility is very real,” Dr. Trozzi chimed in.

Dr. Makis also stressed that this “may be the only medical intervention,” in addition to the original COVID mRNA shot, with an unknown dose. 

“We already had this problem with the original mRNA injections. We had no idea how much spike protein anyone was producing. And now we’re compounding this problem where not only will we not know how much spike protein the recipient is producing — now they’re also going to be making an unknown quantity of mRNA,” Dr. Makis said.

Dr. Bridle pointed to the flawed method used to determine whether the shots are below the safety cutoff for DNA contamination, explaining that this cutoff was established for “naked DNA,” and not DNA accompanied by lipid nanoparticles.

“It’s almost impossible for naked DNA to get into our cells … when they tell you that a lot of the vials are actually below the safety standard, that safety standard has to be reestablished with lipid nanoparticle-associated DNA. And when that’s done, I will guarantee that the safety standard will drop by orders of magnitude,” Dr. Bridle said.

“So there is no question that this contamination is orders of magnitude above safe level,” he added.

Dr. Makis shared that the “conclusion” the crisis summit conference participants reached was that mRNA technology is “so flawed” that the “entire technology platform” should be “halted immediately.”

He had shared that despite the “group of good doctors here in Japan that are sounding the alarm,” like similar doctors in Canada and the U.S., they face censorship.

“There’s very heavy media censorship here in Japan, persecution from the universities. And it seems that the Japanese government and the regulatory agencies, they’re ignoring the warnings and they’re ignoring the dangers.”

Dr. Bridle added that they had experienced it firsthand themselves: As they gave one presentation, they learned that potential threats of arrest had been issued through the mainstream media toward “Japanese physicians and scientists who are expressing genuine concerns about the replicon vaccine,” which were being labeled as “misinformation.”

According to Dr. Bridle, Japanese people were told that the only reason people attended their talks was because they were being paid to do so — and these were thousands of people. 

“I was aghast,” Dr. Bridle remarked. Dr. Makis went on to highlight the absurdity of such a claim.

Dr. Bridle traced culpability for the shots, at least in large part, to health regulatory agencies across the globe. According to the virologist, a common feature of these agencies amid the rollout of COVID mRNA shots has been that “they have been hiding damning evidence.” 

“While we were being attacked, while we were being defamed, while the physicians were losing their licenses, while people were losing their jobs because they spoke these concerns, our health regulatory agencies had the data that proved that we were correct. And they sat on them and they said nothing, and they even outright lied,” Dr. Bridle said.

Dr. Trozzi sought to rouse his listeners to action, first by waking them up to the fact that, unless they were warned at the outset about the shot by experts, they are “a target.”

“I’m calling on every single human being to do everything you personally can to stop this. Because this is what modern war looks like. And the body count is phenomenal and growing,” Dr. Trozzi said.

“We need all hands on deck,” Dr. Makis added. “This is not a situation where you (can) sit on the fence and say, well, it doesn’t affect me. I wasn’t injured. What do I care if my neighbors are dropping dead, right? Or my son’s or daughter’s friends in the schools are getting cancer. What do I care?”

“We’re long past that time. And there’s still a lot of complacency that I see … this is a war on all of us.”

U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates

