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WHITECOURT, Alberta (LifeSiteNews) — An Alberta elementary school has reportedly canceled their Christmas concert because the event is not inclusive enough. 

This year, Pat Hardy Elementary School in Whitecourt, Alberta, canceled their Christmas concert in part because not all students celebrate Christ’s birth, according to a directive by school principal Anne Martens obtained by True North News 

“Not all students celebrate Christmas, and their families may or may not choose to have them participate in the Christmas concert,” Martens wrote in the statement shared on social media. “Other families celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday but do not want children engaging in the non-religious parts such as Santa, Christmas trees, etc.” 

Martens argued that while some students celebrated the Christmas season with presents and Santa, they did not celebrate the religious aspect of Christmas.  

She also claimed that the concert involved “months of preparations and daily practice in the final weeks prior to the event,” and students who chose not to participate in the concert would be “excluded from multiple music lessons and classroom practices for an extended period of time.”  

“We work hard to find ways to ensure our events are as inclusive to as many students and families as possible,” she added.

Martens further claimed the cancellation would help ease students’ stress, citing increased alcohol consumption during the Christmas season as a potential strain on family dynamics.  

“For some families, the additional financial stress, increased alcohol consumption, family conflict and other stressors can result in an increase in stress reactions in students in the month of December,” she said.  

“These reactions can be based on past or current experiences during this time of year. Moving the concert to the spring will reduce additional stress for these students during a potentially difficult time,” Martens continued.  

Many Canadians responded to the directive online, condemning it as pretending to be “inclusive” while ostracizing Christian students in a historically Christian country.  

“Pat Hardy Elementary School is not inclusive,” one user wrote. “How can they tell a bold face lie? For those who do not celebrate Christmas, they do not need to attend. If they do something for Ramadan, then the children who do not celebrate do not have to attend. Exclusion is the new inclusion.” 

“This is disgusting and pandering to the woke left,” another user commented. “Little Whitecourt AB should rethink this.”   

To respectfully voice your concerns over the cancellation, please contact:  

Pat Hardy Principal  

Anne Martens 

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 780-778-6266 

