Canadian Federation of Students Votes to Support Initiatives Against Campus Pro-Life Groups
By Jenna Murphy
OTTAWA, May 28, 2008 ( – This past weekend the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) held its semi-annual Assembly, during which a motion was brought forward by the York Federation of Students (YFS from York University) to support student union groups that deny official recognition to campus pro-life groups. CFS, which purports to represent “over one-half million students from more than 80 university and college students’ unions across Canada”, will use students monies, including those from pro-life students to advocate for abortion and to curtail the pro-life message from campuses.
The successful motion read: “Be it resolved that member locals [of the CFS] that refuse to allow anti-choice organizations access to their resources and space be supported. And further, be it resolved that a pro-choice organization kit be created that may include materials such as a fact sheet, buttons, contact information for local pro-choice organizations and research on anti-choice organizations and the conservative think-tanks that fund them,”
Only last week the pro-life club at BC’s Capilano’s College successfully went through the human rights commission to arrange an agreement which would ensure its being declared an official group on campus next year.
The CFS representative assigned to this issue was unavailable for comment; another CFS representative, however, stated that the minutes from the assembly were set to be reviewed in November.
To voice concerns contact:
Canadian Federation of Students National Office170 Metcalfe St., Suite 500Ottawa, OntarioK2P 1P3Telephone: (613) 232-7394
E-mail: [email protected]
To see related coverage from LifeSiteNews:
Second Canadian University Student Union Bans Official Recognition of Pro-Life Clubs
Canadian University Bans Pro-life Club after Farcical Vote
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