
VANCOUVER – Oct 10 (LSN) – Michael Horowitz, senior fellow at the prestigious Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., is a zealous defender of persecuted Christians worldwide. Although of Jewish heritage and faith, Mr. Hotowitz has learned of horrendous persecution of Christians the world over and works to inform the public about the totally under-reported facts. In a recent visit to Vancouver sponsored by the Catholic Civil Rights League, Horowitz accused the Canadian government of turning a blind eye to human-rights abuses of Holocaust-like proportions —abuses that involve Christians.

Horowitz gave examples of China’s documented abuse of the 100 million Chinese Christians which included the three Christians beaten to death last year, the torching of some 15,000 temples, churches and tombs between February and June 1996 and the imprisonment of over 3,000 leading pastors across China.

In spite of all this, Canada continues to deal with China economically hoping China will change. Commenting on this wishful ideology Mr. Horowitz says, “Either they are blithering idiots with no clue to world history, or they are anti-faith bigots who don’t care what happens to Christians.”