OTTAWA, August 8, 2003 ( – Liberal MPs upset with their own government’s proposed legislation to allow homosexual “marriage” are proposing several roadblocks to the legislation. From the proposals it seem the legislation will be hit with everything from amendments to issuing the notwithstanding clause. Liberal MP Pat O’Brien, who has been an outspoken defender of the family, suggests that the government should add to the questions it referred to the Supreme Court the following: Does the traditional definition of marriage respect the Charter of Rights? That would allow the Supreme Court to strike down the lower court rulings, he said in comments to CP.
Beyond that, said O’Brien, the government could use the notwithstanding clause of the constitution to put the ruling on hold for five years. Liberal MP Ray Bonin is suggesting amending the proposed legislation to reflect the 1999 House motion protecting the traditional definition of marriage which passed by an overwhelming margin. See the Globe and Mail and National Post coverage: