EDMONTON, December 5, 2002 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The impending ratification of the Kyoto accord has compelled Alberta journalist, commentator and political hack, Ezra Levant, to write a book on the dangers of Kyoto and what citizens can do about it. Levant, no shrinking violet, and an exceptionally energetic up-and-coming young Canadian, has launched a crash program with his new book to try to stop the seemingly unstoppable ratification of the protocol by the Jean Chretien Liberals. In comments on his website, Fight Kyoto, https://www.fightkyoto.com/ , Levant states, “This dangerous treaty was concocted by unaccountable foreign bureaucrats”, “It will break Canada’s economy” and unbelievably, “it will actually make the world’s environment dirtier”. Levant charges that “Implementing the Kyoto protocol is Chretien’s plan to elevate himself from a workmanlike politician to a global statesman – and, if the man is permitted to dream, to perhaps inveigle his way into a new political career as secretary general of the United Nations, once Kofi Annan retires”.
Levant writes that Trudeau, knowing that he could not win the next election, went all out to impose his poorly understood new constitution and charter on Canadians and that Chretien, realizing that he, too is on the outs now, does not want to leave without imposing his particular grand plan on an unawares Canadian public. See https://www.fightkyoto.com/