UNITED NATIONS, Jan 26 (LifeSiteNews) – The Canadian Labour Congress was granted special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations on Monday. The Congress has used its position in Canada to promote homosexuality and abortion and is expected to use its position at the UN to the same ends.
Last week LifeSite reported that the Congress launched a campaign to raise awareness in the workplace of “gay and lesbian rights.” An official Congress document called “End the Violence Against Women” catalogues the group’s support for abortion, arguing that “when the federal government attempts to turn back the clock and impose restrictive abortion laws on women, death and injury are the inevitable result.” The Congress is the national voice of the labour movement, and claims to speak for “all workers and their families, in Canada and beyond.” Millions of unionized workers, however, are forced to contribute to political agendas they oppose by way of their union dues which are used by the Congress.
See the UN announcement.
See the Congress document on Women.