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(LifeSiteNews) – Kate Faith, a COVID vaccine-free Canadian living in New Zealand who was sworn at online by a Liberal MP after blasting federal COVID travel jab mandates received an apology from the politician for his vulgar “f*** you” outburst.

On Monday, Liberal MP and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and to the Minister of Sport Adam van Koeverden tweeted his apology.

“Last week, I let my emotions get the better of me and I responded in an unacceptable way to a direct message, and I regret that,” wrote van Koeverden.

“I want to apologize to the person I offended with the message, and anyone else I’ve let down. I realize the past two years have been exceptionally difficult for everyone.”

Van Koeverden’s profane outburst came in the form of an Instagram message. Faith, who is a teacher, reached out to van Koeverden to vent her disapproval over not being able to come home to Canada due to her jab status.

Wrote Faith, “You guys stand in parliament and act like these mandates actually serve a purpose?”

She added, “I was a teacher who got fired for not taking a jab. Now I am a supply teacher, covering classes every single day because all the jabbed teachers have covid and can’t work…I can’t come home to visit my family.”

Van Koeverden responded, “you clearly have no idea how this all works.”

Faith then wrote, “you guys all vote to support Mr. Trudeau. You won’t stand up and support a conservative motion even though it is the right thing to do.”

The exchange continued, eventually reaching a head when Faith told van Koeverden he was “a disgrace of a Canadian.”

It was then that van Koeverden responded, “f*** you.”

Despite being sworn at, Faith wrote back to van Koeverden, “are you upset? I haven’t seen my family in 2.5 years. I had to watch my papa get buried on facetime. I can’t hug my parents or nana’s [sic] because of your Liberal mandates and you had the nerve to swear at me?”

The politician said he was not upset but rather his mistake was “responding to someone like you.”

Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Michael Barrett asked van Koeverden point-blank Monday in the House of Commons if he would “give us a date on when he’ll end the mandates, or will he tell me to ‘F*** Off’ like he did to one of his constituents?”

On Tuesday, the Canadian federal government announced a “suspension” of a COVID jab mandate for travelers and federally regulated transportation workers starting on June 20.

Last fall, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had put in place a mandate that in effect banned anyone who chose not to take experimental, abortion-tainted COVID vaccines from traveling by air, rail, or sea. It applied to domestic and foreign flights.

While un-jabbed Canadian citizens have never been banned from coming home, they are forced to quarantine for two weeks and take two COVID tests. For Faith, this meant she was not able to take the time off to come home (and once home would not be allowed to leave the country by train, sea, or air). Meanwhile, New Zealand also has some of the strictest COVID mandates in the world.

Despite the “suspension” of the ban, the Trudeau Liberals say they such measures may return in the future.

People’s Party of Canada leader and former MP Maxime Bernier is challenging Trudeau’s mandate in court, through the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. Bernier recently confirmed with LifeSiteNews that his court challenge is going full steam ahead.

